❧ Time ☙

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       Have you ever wondered how do the birds feel while they fly? That question has been of a big interest of mine for a very long time. Flying on a broom wasn't the same, you had support. I always wanted to know how it felt to rely only on yourself out there, high in the clouds. To feel untouchable, to stand alone and leave whenever I please, go wherever I wish. The only thing in my life which could do that was time. It was my worst enemy. I never had enough time or when there was a lot I didn't want it. For example, I never had enough time with my mother, I didn't spend enough time with Konrad and I didn't get the time to change things which I regret. Time tortured me with its long and slow passing days when I less needed them. I wished time to spread its wings and fly past me with the speed of light this summer. Time changes things and when you are not fast enough to say or do something in the right moment you can't stop it. That's how I felt the whole summer.
      Sadly, my father's bad habit of not telling me important things teamed up with time. I was greeted home with the news of a wedding. A marriage between my father and Victoria, I was shocked and scared. Lots of questions starting with the words "What if..." tortured my mind and I wanted to escape. The fact that she was living at home made me feel in a prison from which I couldn't run. In each room there was something which reminded of her and nothing was left from my mother.
Things got even worse a month after I arrived home. We were having guests for dinner and by mistake one of them asked about a baby and when it will come. I still remember how my heart skipped a beat and the guilty eyes my father gave me when I swiftly turned to look at him. Around November I was going to have a baby brother or sister. Part of me felt happy at the news, but at the same time I was mad at my father. We got into a huge fight that same night when the guests left. He couldn't understand that I was part of the family and I had to know things which were happening, not to find them out in time. The final sentence he said was cold and cruel, shocking thing was that he called me Adelaide, my mother's name. From that moment on we didn't say a word to each other, which gave time the opportunity to make me feel as if it stopped. I longed to return back to Hogwarts. Lydia and Konrad were sending me letters almost every week and while reading their messages I felt like time was flying way too fast. Tristan wrote me for my birthday and I for his, but nothing more. Every time father was meeting up with his parents he wasn't with them. The Weasley twins sent me a box of chocolates with a P.S. in the card that they were for pranking. In my anger I messed them with the candies that were at the table in the living room. Sadly, my father quickly found out it was me who was responsible for the huge pimples on Victoria's face, or her blue tongue and few other side effects. His punishment was nothing compared to the fact that the day of the wedding came.
      It was the perfect wedding from wherever you looked at it. The guests, the music, the flowers, the colours, everything. Everyone were enjoying their time, while I just stood at my chair and memories of my childhood spent with my mother and father flashed in front of my eyes.
     With my mind in unrest, fights broke out between me and thoughts in my sleep. I grew nervous and patience was something I no longer knew of its meaning. Time exhausted me this summer so much that when I finally saw the train for Hogwarts I felt nothing, just the need to get on it and leave. The time to put on my mask, just like mother always taught me, came.  

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