❧ Game On ☙

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           Returning back to Hogwarts was surprising. The teachers were in a dark mood most of the time and I felt that one of the sources being responsible for this was our new DADA teacher. She was famous among the students with the unique name we decided to give her – the toad. She was purely hated even by Slytherins.
    Her real name was Dolores Umbridge. A short squat woman, that had a broad, flabby face, a wide, slack mouth, and a little neck. Her eyes were bulging and pouchy, and in her mousy brown hair she often wore a black velvet bow, which reminded me of a fly perched dangerously above a toad, furthering her toad-like characteristics. What was even more hated was her voice. She spoke with a simpering high-pitched voice that was girlish and breathless. She always woke from head-to-toe matching outfits, usually in the shades of pink which made her look ridiculous. In short Dolores Umbridge was the best resemble of a large, pale toad.
    I was heading for her class when I spotted few first years. They were purple and when they smiled their teeth were like a bright white spot on their faces. I knew the people responsible for this phenomenon were the Weasley twins. Spotting the younger Gryffindor, Hermione Granger, yelling at Fred I smirked an returned my attention back to where I was heading for. Tristan, Miles and few other boys from my house were standing outside the door of the room chatting. I was about to open my mouth and greet them when someone called out to me from behind. Turning around I saw Fred and George with bright, wide smiles running to me.

Fred's POV

"You turned them purple, Fred! How is that not a big deal? Give me the sweets!" Granger yelled at me and snatched away the candies.
"Blimey, Granger. You need to relax, they'll be fine in an hour." The girl continued to lecture me about the purple minions me and George created, but my mind was distracted by the sudden appearance of Georgiana Lynch. I had no idea what that girl was eating, but for three months of not seeing her, she became even more beautiful than she already was. I wasn't the only one to notice that. Almost every guy in school was dazzled by her looks, even Tristan who I could tell was trying so hard to hide it.
"Let's go." George whispered in my ear from behind, while he gazed at the girl who passed by, as well.
"Well, Granger, we would like to stay and listen to your lovely speech, but we have a class with the toad." I patted Hermione on the shoulder and ran past her with my brother.
"Oi, Lynch!" I shouted out, so she could hear.
Georgiana stopped at her tracks and turned around, and waited for us to reach her.
"I saw you are creating a purple army of first years." She smirked.
"So you've noticed?" George began.
"What do you think?" For some reason my smile couldn't leave my face when she was around.
"I think that I would like to see them in action." She chuckled out and George joined her.
I was about to say something when a high-pitched voice echoed in the hall.
"No students in front of the classroom!" I didn't need to turn around to see who that person was.
Gee turned around and entered the room, few Slytherins followed her with their eyes before entering as well. Tristan stood with crossed arms and back resting on the wall, careless of what Umbridge said.
"Ten galleons that you won't be able to get her on a date until the end of the year." George challenged in a low tone as we walked inside the room. I grinned at the game he decided to play and accepted it.
"That wouldn't be so hard." We both sat at our desk.
"I don't think so." My brother mumbled, as he looked at someone aside from us. Turning my gaze I spotted Tristan sitting down.
George was right. Tristan was always around Georgiana when she was in danger or something wrong was happening. He was always protecting her, especially from us and our pranks.
"Then it will be more fun." I smirked as I turned around to face my brother again.
I had a whole year after all. Gee was famous for her rejecting habit towards guys, so far the only one who got a yes was Konrad from Durmstrang.
"All right so we're definitely making the challenge official?"
"Yes, George." Just then Umbridge cleared her throat. I didn't even notice that the class had started.
We glared at her as we watched the vile woman walk towards her desk. We grudgingly went back to reading our beginners book which was a bloody joke.
By the end of the class, we had maybe read three sentences because we had fallen asleep. We groggily awoke when Umbridge practically yelled right in our ears that class was over. We got up to exit with everyone else, but were stopped by the toad standing in front of us.
"For failing to stay awake during my lesson, I expect both of you back here tonight for detention." While speaking I barely could keep my mind in focus to hear her, I spotted the perfect face of Georgiana behind her. She was putting the book in her back and heading out the room with such grace. George nudged me in the ribs and I returned my attention back to Umbridge who turned around to go back to her office.
"It's kind of hard to stay awake when the lesson is so pointless."I mumbled to George.
"Make that the rest of this week."The toad squeaked and George and I looked at each other.
Taking out our wands we pointed them at Umbridge and muttered "Levicurpus." We walked out of the room grinning as we heard scream in terror echoing in the hall.
"At least now it's worth it." I grinned and headed to the common room with George.

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