❧ Plants ☙

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    Fred's POV

   I walked out of DADA in a great mood with my brother. We just learned the stunning spell and as fifth years, that was still pretty exciting. It was a spell that was actually really handy and we were glad that Lupin had taught it to us.
"That was brilliant! I can't wait to practice it!" George exclaimed.
I agreed with him and we both started looking around for our victim.
"Maybe Lynch? We haven't bothered her for a very long time." I suggested with a grin dancing on my lips as I spotted the dark haired girl. I never understood why she avoided me since two months.
"Nah, Fred. Gee doesn't deserve it." George somehow softened towards her, but when I asked if he had something for her he denied.
We were walking to the quidditch pitch since we were having a match next weekend.
And then we both spotted Snape walking down the corridor. We looked at each other and smirked. Today was not a good day to be the potions Professor. Of course, we knew we would get into loads of trouble, but that is what made it so much fun!
We quickly cast disillusionment charms over ourselves and started to follow the Professor down a corridor. We waited until he was walking down the dungeon steps before we pointed our wands and muttered, "Stupefy."
A beam of red light shot from both our wands, but Snape was quick and blocked both spells before they hit.
"I know it's you boys. I saw you cast the disillusionment charm upon your blithering heads. To Dumbledore's office now!" We frowned as Snape shot a smirk at us as we were still concealed. This sucks. "He will be expecting you and he knows what you have done!" He added and walked inside his office.
We revealed ourselves and grunted as we took the way to the headmaster office.
"I guess we had to stick with Gee." George muttered.
"You know, George?" I stopped and the smirk returned to my face.
My brother stopped and turned around to face me, waiting for me to continue.
"Dumbledore can wait, she's at the greenhouse." I remembered that Slytherin and Hufflepuff had Herbology classes after DADA.
"Alright, but let's not use the blasting curse on her." George was starting to annoy me with his protectiveness.
"Then what's the point?"
"We are already in trouble, so why not remind Lynch of us." He had a point.
We headed to the greenhouse and stopped when we reached the glass walls.
"There she is!" I whispered to my brother and we both knelt down, and peeked up from the plants which were hiding us.
"You or me?"
"You do it, Fred."
I grinned and pulled out my wand. "Confringo!" I said and pointed my wand at the potted plant that was in front of Georgiana. A loud boom followed and soon a very angry Professor Sprout rushing towards the covered in mud, roots and leafs girl. Gee slowly opened her eyes and spit of a leaf from her mouth, cleaning her robe and hair with hands. I guess, due to the fact that our eyes were glued towards her and she looked at us, soon to be followed by the Professor. Sprout let out a sigh and came to the glass wall. "You two just couldn't keep it to yourselves, just this once. You know the drill. To Dumbledore's office." We smirked and ran away from the greenhouse and to the place where our headmaster waited for us.
"I think she took it quite well." I spoke up as we were walking.
"You think so?" George chuckled out.
I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I remembered how shocked she was by the explosion. She looked somehow cute. What am I thinking? The little sarcastic snake? Cute? I disliked the thought that crossed my mind, but I couldn't bring myself to lie about it.

Georgiana's POV

   When the twins ran off Lydia came to help me clean up. Soon the class ended and we headed to the dungeons, I seriously needed a shower.
   Walking inside the common room Tristan and others from the quidditch team were sitting on the black sofas still with their training uniforms. Miles walked towards Lydia and whispered something in her ear.
"Why are you covered with mud, Lynch?" Tristan asked and came towards me.
"I just like rolling in the mud, Ryan." I spat at his stupid question and walked past him to the dorms.

Lydia's POV

    We all watched how Georgiana stormed to the dorms and closed the door loudly.
"What happened?" Tristan asked as he moved his attention from the staircase towards me.
"Accident at Herbology." I explained and looked at Miles.
He finally managed to get the truth out of Tristan. We were trying to make him confess if he liked Gee and finally Miles succeeded. The answer was positive, just as I expected. I doubted it before the Christmas break, but when they returned back at Hogwarts he was looking at her with a slight attraction in his eyes. The way he always took care of her and protected her was giving him out since the beginning, but he always hid it well with his cold attitude.
He knocked his fingers into fists and excused himself. Miles and I watched as the blonde boy walked away and when we were sure he was gone he took me to the table which was next to the window.
"Are you sure? What did he say?"
"Yes, he said that he is somehow attracted by her."
"And what?"
"Won't he do anything about it?" I asked a bit louder and few students turned their heads towards us.
"He isn't a fool, Lyd."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that, if you talked to me the way she does to him, I would have never asked you out." I blinked at his statement.
"But you haven't."
"I am now." His bold voice sent shivers down my spine and I blushed madly. "Will you go out with me this weekend on the trip to Hogsmeade?"
"I-I would love to." I chuckled and hid my smile with my hands.
"Great." His bright smile shined upon me and I couldn't control my emotions anymore, so I excused myself and ran upstairs waiting for Gee to get out of the shower so I could tell her what just happened.
While waiting for her I couldn't help but feel bad for Tristan. Miles was right, she was cold and rude with him, and I did wonder why, but I knew she wouldn't tell me. She was focused on the exams and even if she did feel something for someone she would use the O.W.L.s as an excuse and change the subject. She was difficult to figure out, but still she is the best friend I ever had.

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