❧ Eternal Glory ☙

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     The Great Hall was decorated with lots of candles moving like calm waves upon our heads, the tiny flames were brightly dancing setting the mood to a happy one. We were all excited to finally welcome our guests, but before that, Dumbledore stepped out in front of the four tables and our attention was immediately nailed to him.
"I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well." While the headmaster was telling us that, Filch came in and ran in his odd way towards Dumbledore, whispering something in his year, cutting in the middle of his speech. "You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The TriWizard Tournament. The Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contest are not for the faint-hearted." We all exchanged curious looks and few whispers filled the air, but Dumbledore dragged back our attention as he welcomed "the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime".
The moment he said that the doors cracked open and around twenty beautifully curved girls in blue satin dresses walked in. When Madam Maxime walked in I stood up with my head held high and followed her with my eyes. Luckily, the boys were busy gluing their eyes to the "lovely ladies" and no one really paid attention to me, except for few girls around me. Madam gave me a nod to sit when everyone started to clap and whistle in the Hall.
"Why did you do that?" Lydia asked in my ear so I could hear her from all the noise.
"In Beauxbatons we were taught to stand at attention from when our Headmistress enters the room until she seats herself. That way we show great respect for her." I explained and she looked at Madam Maxime.
"But you aren't a student of the Academy anymore." She stated as she turned her attention back to me.
"But I still respect her." She didn't add anything more and just nodded.
Dumbledore returned to where he stood and gave us a sign to calm down.
"And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang... and their high master, Igor Karkaroff." We quickly turned our heads back to the doors as around twenty men walked in with pride in their eyes. I won't lie, even my heart skipped a beat when I saw them walk in. The excitement was so much that my skin even shivered as I heard them exhale loudly a deep tone in sync. In the end of the line of handsome looking men, walked in Viktor Krum followed by their headmaster. I was still mad at him for injuring my father back at the World Cup, but I couldn't deny that he was a good player, so I just watched as they sat at our table.
When everyone sat at their places Dumbledore explained more about the Tournament explaining that there were going to be three extremely dangerous tasks and for this reason, the Ministry has added a new rule. A rule which Mr. Bartemius Crouch, the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation was summoned to explain to us all. But before he could the magical sky above our heads turned echoed with thunders and few girls began to scream as we all lowered our heads. A sharp noise of a spell silenced the storm and the mood was turned back to normal. We all looked at the caster and Miles whispered to us.
"It's Mad- Eye Moody." I looked back at the man and couldn't help but think that his face was looking as if it was roughly carved from wood. The famous Auror was covered with scars and a chunk of his nose was missing. His eyes were dark and his hair was grizzled. As he was walking, thuds could be heard due to the fact that one of his legs was from wood. What was the most shocking feature in his look were the eyes. One was small and dark while the other was a vivid electric blue that moved around independently from his normal eye. Probably that's why they called him Mad-Eye.
When he sat down Crouch started his speech, which explained the new rule added to the Tournament... saying that no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put their name for the Triwizard Tournament. The moment he said that, everyone expressed their dissent, but the twins words stood out the most as they repeated "That's rubbish!"several times.
We were all silenced by the deep yell from our headmaster and to make sure we stayed quiet he quickly revealed the Goblet of Fire, explaining what it will bring to the winning school.
When it was all over we headed to our common rooms. Tristan and Miles were discussing how Miles will sign up for it. Luckily, Tristan couldn't attend to it because he was under age and by the time his birthday comes the tournament would be over. It wasn't that I didn't think he can win it, but Dumbledore added few times that it was dangerous and I didn't want him to get hurt. I was happy for the twins for the same fact, thou they seemed to be the ones who were against it the most.
Lydia and I were excited to see that from the window of our room we could see the Durmstrang ship. We watched it and tried to guess how it was on the inside or could the student see us from there. After all their rooms were under the water as well. We stayed and talked all night of what the task of the tournament will be and who in our opinion was the most handsome from Durmstrang, chuckling like a shy fan girls forgetting that one of us had a boyfriend.  

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