❧ Nun ☙

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     With the arrival of December the first snow came and covered the grounds. Miles and Lydia managed to work things out and were in good terms again which meant that she was back to telling me how amazing her boyfriend is. I didn't mind it, but I couldn't help but daydream of having one as well.
We were having breakfast at the Great Hall when the post arrived. Most received packs with suits and dresses, but I got a simple letter. I began to worry that I won't have anything to wear for the Ball and I won't be able to participate because of it. But then I heard laughter coming from Gryffindor's table and Ronald Weasley holding so weird looking dress robe. I noticed Fred and Angelina sitting together very closely and when they stopped laughing she rested her head on his shoulder. I shook my head and returned my attention to the dress robe, and thanked that my father didn't pick my dress. I started to imagine what kind of a dress he would pick up for me and came to the conclusion that it was better not to go than to be dressed as a nun.
Few minutes later McGonagall announced the houses schedule for something important. The odd thing was that every house was with its housemaster, just ours was with McGonagall. While everyone started guessing what was so important I looked back towards Fred and a weird sick feeling in my stomach took over me while I looked at him and Angelina. I lost my appetite and excused myself from the table. After I went to the courtyard to breath fresh air I felt much better, but that didn't make me want to return and watch them again. I had no idea why I felt that way and I was ashamed to share it with anyone.
After few minutes sitting on the bench I looked down to my watch and saw that I had two free hours and decided to go find Lyd and spend time with her, but when I returned in the Great Hall I spotted a very angry Professor Snape. I sat quietly next to Tristan and asked what was going on.
"Someone used the dancing curse on Snape and he decided to give us all potions test tomorrow morning." I looked towards the twins almost being sure it was them. Right now I wished to be from the other schools so I would not have to study today, but accepting my fate I got up and went to the library.
I lost track of time and completely forgot about the important thing McGonagall has summoned us for. Luckily, Tristan came to remind me in the library and helped me pack up before we ran out.
"Thanks, Tristan." I breathed out when we reached the doors of the hall we had to be in.
"No problem." We pushed the doors and all eyes were on us.
The Professor was judging us with her eyes and I headed to where the girls were sitting.
"Where were you?" Lydia sharply asked in a whispering tone.
"The library."
"You're hopeless."
I noticed that next to McGonagall was a gramophone and started to get the picture of what was happening here. She began to explain what the Yule Ball was in details and how she will not let any of us destroy the reputation of Hogwarts.
"Mr. Malfoy?" She called out and searched for the blond boy with her eyes.
Few giggles followed when she summoned him to be her partner and show us all how to waltz. But they were all shut down when McGonagall told us all to get up and find a partner. Lydia jumped from her seat as if it was on fire and hopped towards Miles. I watched how most of my housemates began to sway around the room and the Professor was correcting their moves. Noticing few boys looking at me I pretended to be interested in the ceiling, hoping they will get the idea I didn't want to dance, but one was brave enough to come and reach out his hand for me, Tristan.
"May I?" He asked with a charming smile and I couldn't help but return it.
"You may." I said taking his hand and he led me to where the rest danced.
I was taught how to dance back in Beauxbatons so I didn't have any doubts in my dancing skills. But I was amazed by Tristan. I knew that his mother probably gave him few lessons back at home, but I didn't expect him to be that good. McGonagall noticed that and she made all the rest stop and look at how our feet were moving, where our hands were placed and how our heads were held. I felt nervous from all the stares we received and Tristan noticed that.
"Just ignore them." He spoke to me so gently that for a moment I thought I was dancing with someone else.
"Easy for you to say, you're brilliant." My eyes widened when I realized what I just said and he let out a chuckle.
"Because you're as well." I've never seen this side of him before and my cheeks blushed lightly. "Close your eyes." I did as he said and allowed him to fully guide me with the steps while the slow melody was calming me down, making me feel like we were out of this room.
"One, two, three..." McGonagall started to count and I was lifted up by the waist and spun around at three. I opened my eyes to give a Tristan a shocked look on my face and he cracked a smile. The Professor counted again and the same routine followed until everyone in the hall learned the moves.
When the class was dismissed we pulled away and he bowed to me, while I curtsied with a shy smile. I never thought that he could make me feel that way. I was actually happy for the first time since my mother passed away.
"Ay, love birds! Why did you two never share with us that you could dance?" Miles asked out loudly as he and Lydia were walking towards us.
"It would have killed the surprise, mate." Tristan explained, while I blushed at what he called us.
Lydia hooked my arm with hers and walked to the bench where our bags were.
"I saw that." She said quietly so only I could hear her.
"Saw what?" She clicked with her tongue at my question with annoyance.
"The way you two looked at each other."
"Who? Me and Tristan?" I pointed to my chest and looked to where the two boys were standing and laughing.
"No... you and Filch!" She slapped the back of my head gently and I turned my attention to her. "Of course you and Tristan!"
"You know we are friends, how do you want me to look at him?" She grunted and shouted that I was hopeless and left the subject to my luck.
I tried to study again for potions test tomorrow, but failed. The music and the feeling from the dance have affected my whole mind and I couldn't stop thinking of how perfect everything was back then. I did wonder if he already had a date for the Ball, after all almost every girl in the school liked him, even girls from Beauxbatons, but he never seemed to care. In the end I found myself thinking if someone will ask me, because I realized I would love to be there and feel happy again because of the dance. Then my mind returned to the dress topic and I pictured myself as a nun again, but this time behind bars watching how the others danced while I just stand and stare, it only made me chuckle knowing that this was ridiculous. If only my dad knew what I imagined him to pick as a dress for me, he would kill me.   

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