❧ Morning Forest ☙

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         The next day we were all gathered in front of the main doors of the school and McGonagall was checking who could come to the trip to Hogsmaede. The guests were all allowed to join us and few girls were parading with their dates of the Durmstrang boys. Lydia joined my side when we were all ready to go and for the first time since a week she actually spoke to me.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted last week." She mumbled ashamed of the fact that she was mad at me because of what I said.
"It's fine, it wasn't my business anyway." I shrugged my shoulders and gave her a warm smile at which she calmed down.
"But you were right... even if you don't have any experience with guys..." She kicked a tiny rock from the way and didn't dare to look at me fearing she might have offended me.
I didn't reply to her, not because I was offended, why would I be offended by the truth, but because I just wanted to leave the topic.
"Sooo... wanna drink something at The Three Broomsticks?"
"Sure, but first I want to check Gladrags Wizardwear." It was a clothing store and I did wonder why she wanted to go to that odd store, but I agreed.
When we arrived at Hogsmeade Lydia literally charged towards the shop and she was not the only one.
"Uhm... Lyd? What's going on?" I asked in low tone so only she could hear me.
"Gee, why are you always ignoring the important things?" I gave her a questionable look and she continued. "Yesterday at dinner McGonagall informed us that we will need dresses for the Yule Ball."
"The Yule Ball?"
"Yes... I guess you became deaf after the explosion..." I stared for a bit at the ground thinking hard trying to remember what happened at dinner. And then it hit me the Professor did mention something about dresses and dancing, I was just too busy eating.
We stayed around an hour there. I never thought picking up a dress would be such a hard thing to do, but Lydia proved me that it was possible. I didn't have that much money in me to buy a dress, so I just stood there and said "yes"or "no" to the dresses.
Luckily, she picked up one and with exhaust in her voice she suggested that we should go and have a drink at our favorite inn now.
When we walked in, the warm and welcoming atmosphere greeted us and we sat at our usual table near the windows.
"You sit, I'll go get the drinks." Lydia didn't hesitate for a moment at my words and just sat at the chair.
The place was fuller than the usual, due to the fact that everyone from Durmstrang was there, except for those who had dates at the Tea Shop. It was so noisy that I had to shout to the owner of the inn what I wanted for drinks.
"Two Butterbeers coming right up, sweety!" Madam Rosmerta said with a bright smile on her face.
In few minutes she left two mugs fully filled with Butterbeer, the woman was so busy with the rest of the clients that she didn't hear when I thanked her. Making sure I held the mugs tight I lifted them up and spun around only to splash a bit of the liquid over someone's chest. Judging by the red coat it was a Durmstang guy and slowly I gathered the strength to look up. My eyes locked with the ice blue ones of the Royal student.
"Dear Merlin, I am so sorry about that. I didn't know you were behind me, I am so sorry." I shot the words out of my mouth as fast as I could getting nervous with each passing second.
"It's fine, I wanted to take the coat off anyways." His voice was so intense yet soft and the way he said it with a slight smile made me calm down a bit.
"Do you want me to buy you something so I could... you know make it up to you...?" I wasn't sure if I could to talk to him that way, but there was something in him that made me feel peaceful and relaxed.
"I'd settle for your name." The way he said it sent shivers all the way down my spine and I felt how soon I will drop the mugs to the ground.
"Hahaha... really, I feel awful for the coat, plea-..." I got even more nervous when he cut me off.
"I said I'd settle for your name." My lips parted a bit at his intense interest for my name and my cheeks got warmer.
"G..." I stopped for a moment thinking what he will think of my name, but then another voice in me asked why did I even care, making blush even more. "It's Georgiana." I tried to sound bold, hiding the fact that I was really nervous.
"Thank you." He smiled softly and leaned a bit towards me, reaching behind my back to get his mug. His scent reminded me of a forest in the early morning. He bowed his head to me lightly and returned to his table where everyone waited with curious eyes.
Returning to my table Lydia was beyond excited to hear what happened at the bar. Luckily, when I told her everything, McGonagall walked inside and told us that we are leaving in half an hour, so we went out to look for Miles and Tristan.
When we gathered at the central street of the village I met the unique blue eyes again. But then a ginger head got in front of my vision with a bright smile.
"Oi, Gee! I finally found you." Fred said with excitement.
"Good job, Weasley! Now it's your turn to hide!" I clapped my hands together and faked a joyful tone.
"Harsh as always, Lynch..." He threw a tiny bag with candies. "For yesterday." He walked away with gloomy expression on his face.
I felt bad for being so cold towards him right now and it was cute way of him to say sorry. Maybe now was my turn?

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