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Andy's POV*
Mikey and I returned to the flat. The first thing Mikey did once barging through the door was run to tell Brooklyn and Jack about Elise. Whereas I, ran to find Ryan. He was chilling on our bed on his phone. "You're back!" He said happily, jumping up and smiling excitedly. "Where's Elvis?" I asked. "Probably hanging out with Brook and Jack".

We called for everyone to come into the living room where we had a discussion about the new cover. I grabbed my guitar and began playing the notes so we could practice. I looked over at Rye who's eyes where fixated on me. "What?" I said confused and blushing. "Admiring the beauty in this room" he said cheekily.

"He's in love!!" Jack expressed, throwing his arms in the air dramatically and then flopping onto Brook who was giggling. "Yes" Rye replied with the biggest smile on his face. We started singing the lyrics, brook forgetting a few times and going off track. He'd pester Rye, poking him and try to annoy him, getting too close for comfort and touching him constantly.

I looked over at Jack who was already looking at me. The look in his eyes told me he wanted them to stop, so I had to tell them. "Boys. Leave each other alone. Do you need me to make it clear? Rye's with me, and Brooks with Jack. Remember that" I announced, looking over at Jack who was smiling at my speech.

~after recording the song~
"Okay boys! We should go film the video now. Rye, call Chris" Elvis said. "Go it", Rye grabbed his phone and dialled Chris's number, telling him to meet us at the filming place, a large hill that looked beautiful with the sunset. Rye and Brook we're racing each other up the hill as Jack, Mikey and I walked like normal people.

"Start!" Chris yelled and started recording Brook with his sad face he always does in covers. Then to Rye and I laughing together. Behind the video, we were laughing at Jack who had tripped unexpectedly and was rolling on the floor laughing. The video ended with us looking at the sunset, it was amazingly beautiful; especially with my gorgeous boyfriend cuddled beside me.

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