'We're getting food'

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"What do we do?" I panted, wandering around the apartment in confusion. "Andy, stop. They'll come back, it's okay" Mikey comforted, holding my arm in his grip. I smiled slightly and started to stop panicking. I sat beside Rye and cuddled into him, waiting for them to return.

Rye's POV*
I was equally as worried as Andy, but I didn't want to show it to scare him more. As he cuddled into me, I noticed his eyes slowly closing. I leaned down and whispered into his ear, "I love you". A smile appeared on his face, then he drifted off peacefully to sleep, resting his head on my shoulder.

Mikey had gone to the shops because we needed milk for tea. So I pulled out my phone carefully from my pocket, trying not to disturb Andy's precious sleep. I started rapidly texting Mikey about Brook and Jack's disappearance.

R: do u have any ideas where they could be?
M: no. I don't know.
R: I'm starting to worry. Andy's asleep on my shoulder and I don't want to wake him.
M: awe cute :))
R: yeah, but do you have any ideas whatsoever?
M: no ideas.
R: we'll keep looking then.

I switched to Brook's number -
R: where are you?
R: I'm worried.
R: where's Jack?
R: please respond Brook.
(Typing) ...
B: don't worry.
R: of course we're worrying!! U both disappeared!
B: we're getting food.
R: getting food?! It's been 4 hours since u disappeared.
(Read 15:23)

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