Truth or Dare

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I took Jack aside while Brooklyn was in the shower and the others were in the living room. "Do you have something for Brook?" I asked winking. He blushed and said "maybe". I pulled him into a tight hug, "finally" I said in his ear. He hugged me back. When we stopped hugging, we both joined the others in the living room.

A few hours later. Rye and I were sat together on the sofa, and everyone else surrounding us. Through the awkward silence Mikey said "let's play truth or dare". We had nothing to do so we all agreed.

"Truth or dare, Andy?" Mikey smirked, "dare" I said nervously. He suddenly got a burst of excitement, "kiss Rye". "You've been waiting to play this game to do that haven't you?", He didn't need to answer, I knew it was true. "Yes". I rolled my eyes and rolled myself onto Rye, I was straddled on him and we started making out, my hands in his hair and his hands on my waist. It lasted quite a while, and I found it quite enjoyable. We stopped after hearing Brook inside cough, signalling we should stop.

I climbed off him and saw Rye's expression, he was shocked but seemed happy. "My turn" I said, smiling at Rye then turning to Brook. "Truth or dare?" I said, "more like Truth or kiss" he said and we all started laughing. "Fine, dare" he smirked, we all looked at him surprised. "I know your going to say 'kiss Jack' so", he turned Jack's head towards his and snogged him, Jacks hand around his neck. I was so happy for Jack, I couldn't stop smiling.

They broke apart, Jack looked so surprised. Brook smiled and said "okay, I think we're done", "but I haven't had my turn yet!" Mikey whined. "Fine, truth or dare mikey?" Brook said, fed up already. "Dare" he said, "again?! Erm... Kiss Rye" Brook said, I stared at him in jealousy; I don't know why I was jealous, he's not my boyfriend or anything other than a friend to me. "What?" Rye said surprised, then all of a sudden Mikey's lips were on his. I felt my inside tangle, I felt like my heart had been broken. But he's just my friend, why do I feel this way?!

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