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"We need to get them back together" Rye said, turning his head towards me. "But how?" I replied. A brief silence occurred while we thought about what to do. Then, the perfect idea popped into my head. "Why don't you, Mikey and I leave the apartment to go film a vlog. It's perfect because we haven't filmed one in ages!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Okay. Let's go tell Mikey about the plan" Rye said smiling.

We got up from the bed together, walking swiftly into the living room where Brooklyn was in his room and Jack was in the kitchen trying not to make that much noise while preparing toast. "Hey Jack" Rye said, trying to distract him and allow me to talk to Mikey; who was lounging on his bed.

"Hey Mike, Rye and I came up with a plan. You, him and I are going to go out and film a simple vlog, leaving Brook and Jack alone together" I whispered cautiously. "Sure. Let me get ready then we can go" he said getting up from his messy bed and grabbing a pair of clothes from the drawer.

Eventually, we left the house with our cameras in hand. Not going to lie, we had nothing to film... but, we were going to try. So we decided we should go shopping. Rye and Mikey always make good vlog footage in shops because they're mental and love causing trouble.

Jack's POV*
I left the room for a second to grab my laptop from my room when I heard the front door slam shut. I walked back into the room. Brook had his eyes glued on his phone and I could tell he wasn't going to talk to me. I can't blame him, I broke his heart over nothing. I regret it more than anything.

I have been arguing with myself ever since I hurt him. Looking at his rosy face and his beautiful green eyes makes it hard to not fall for. So I built up the courage. "Brook... can we talk?" I asked apologetically. He slowly looked up. "Okay" he mumbled....

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