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I backed away and ran into the kitchen to see Mikey making coffee, "Mikey, why is there a girl in the bathroom? I thought you were gay?" I asked confused. "I'm bi" he said shyly, "oh" I said dropping myself onto the sofa, still confused. Andy then walked into the room, he saw my confused expression and asked "what's wrong?". "Mikey's bi and there's a girl in the bathroom" I said briefly as he sat beside me.

Then she walked into the room, "hey boys" she said twirling her hair while walking towards Mikey. Andy looked at me in shock and whispered "what?", then he turned back to her and watched her stand beside Mikey. "Oh, I forgot to mention my name" she said shaking her head, "I'm Amber" she smiled, showing her pearly white teeth and cute dimples on her cheeks.

"Nice to meet you Amber" Andy said smiling back at her. She turned back to Mikey and stood beside him as he poured the boiling water into the mugs, then she skipped to Mikey's bed where sat as we stared at her.

"Hey boys- oh" Brook said walking into the room with Jack, they came to a sudden stop when they saw Amber sat on Mikey's bed on her phone. "Who's this?" Jack said looking towards us. "I'm Amber. I'm here with Mikey", she stated then returned to typing speedily on her phone. They looked at us both in shock, before quickly walking into their room.

"Amber" I said sitting up, "yeah" she replied happily. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you to Mikey?". "Well I'm an old friend. I used to go college with Mikey" she said as Mikey handed her a coffee and sat beside her. "Have you ever been more than friends?" Andy said and I jokingly elbowed him to stop. She giggled and said "yeah, kind of".

Mikey blushed and looked away from us who had our mouths gaped open in surprise. "Can we ask you some questions?" Andy smirked. "Sure". "Do you have any siblings?". "A younger sister". "What's your favourite colour?". "Yellow". "What's your job?". "I'm a photographer". "Okay Andy, are all these questions necessary?" Mikey said annoyed. "I just want to get to know her" he huffed.

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