Wedding day pt1

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Rye's POV
I was getting ready. Wearing my dark blue suit and adjusting it until it was perfect. I couldn't seem to get my hair right and it was frustrating me as this day had to be as amazing as it could be. Mikey barged inside the room, not bothering what state I was in. He was wearing a grey suit with a pink tie which really suits him.

"Hey Rye! It's your big day mate! I'm so proud" he said excitedly, shaking me by the shoulders while grinning largely, then pulling me into a tight hug which may of restricted my breathing slightly. "I know" I responded nervously. "Just take deep breaths" he told me, demonstrating it to me as if I didn't already know how to breathe. I nodded and followed his instruction.

Just as I was about to thank Mike for his assurance, Brook and Jack barged inside with a camera pointed at me; once again, not bothering to knock. "You look great!" Jack yelled at me. "Thanks but I cant get my hair right". I sighed and spun around to the mirror, frowning at my appearance. "Rye you are always bothered about your hair. it looks amazing! Doesn't it guys?" Brook said to the camera enthusiastically.

"Yes" Mikey said pretending to act as if the Roadies has answered. "Okay. How's Andy?" I asked the boys. "Good" they responded simply, brook looking at his feet when answering..

~Earlier~ Andy's POV
"Brook I'm not ready" I panicked, pacing up and down the room. "Andy calm down it'll be great". "I can't calm down. Can we do this another day?" I argued. He gave me a look of total disappointment, "no!" He scoffed. "Fine" I groaned at him. I flopped down onto the bed, staring at the ceiling and pretending I was dead.

I heard Brooks footsteps approaching and the dip in the bed where he'd sat down. "Andy?". I didn't respond and still pretended to be dead. "Come on. It'll be the best day of your life and you know it. You are going to marry Rye!" He successfully convinced me and I sat up and looked over at him. "I'm marrying Rye" I repeated, smiling at the engagement ring on my finger.

"See? That ring right there is going to be replaced by an even more important one". "Not replaced just-". "Okay but see it's going to be great" He interrupted. After my much needed telling off, it was time. We were just about to go to the altar but we decided to change up the whole traditional wedding things so we were hugging everyone and they were greeting us just before the altar...

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