"Don't forget,  they want to hurt us. You can't be scared at all. So, keep your eyes on them, aim right and use all your strength in your body to fight back."

Knife throwing, aiming at trees, seemed to be a bit advanced for today. But, they didn't have a choice. It was now or never and Maggie wanted to make sure they knew something useful. Alex wanted it too. After a few good throws, aims and some that needed a lot of work.

And of course, with Alex there, a mishap was bound to happen. For reasons unknown, after trying to work with a knife, she'd suddenly hurt herself.

Alex curses, wincing in pain. "Can't believe I just did that!"

"You were supposed to keep the cover on, Lex." Enid says cautiously.

"We were knife throwing! Why would I keep that-"

"You need to get that wrapped up." Maggie carefully holds Alex's wrist, as she takes a look at it. "Might be sprained, definitely not broken."

"I just can't see how someone can hurt their wrist by knife throwing." Enid comments, as she watches Alex in pain. "And that cut.. doesn't look so deep."

Maggie chuckles, "You haven't known her as long as I have. She's known for this."

"Gee, thanks." Alex responds. "I'm gonna go get this wrapped up. Going to need this to heal as soon as possible. This cut hurts like a bitch."

"Yeah, go do that. And please, try not to fall on your way there." Maggie jokes, trying to make light of the minor situation.

"I'll try not to!"

After getting her wrist checked out, wrapped up and iced, Alex finds her way walking a different route than normal. Instead of going straight to the trailer to go and rest her hand and work on some plans for Negan, she finds herself taking a nice walk along the walls of Hilltop, embracing the bright sun and the cool of the subtle wind blowing.

Suddenly, her eyes travel to the two women a few feet away from her, talking fast and in low volume, instead of focusing on the skies as she was before.

"What's going on?" Alex approaches the two, as she holds her wrist, her eyes furrowing and her lips curving into a soft smile.

Rosita and Sasha respond in unison, giving two different answers.


"Just a map."

Alex looks them, eyes squinting and mouth opened.

"Okay? It's a map. What's up?"

"Nothing, so just go on to what you were doing, yeah?" Rosita snaps, wearing the fake smile she always puts on when she's got her tough attitude present.

"You know, you guys could literally tell me instead of trying to get me to leave..." Alex walks closer to the other women.

"It's better if you didn't." Sasha says softly.

"Oh come on. You said it was a map, right? Going on a run?"

"Yes. Exactly." Rosita says, as her back is turned away from Alex and Sasha.

"I could've sworn Jesus told no one to go on runs anymore, not unless he went too..." Alex speculated, as she watched them turned around again, watching her face.

"We're going to kill Negan." Sasha bluntly says.

"Sasha." Rosita snaps.

Sasha pauses for a moment, looking to the ground then back up to Alex. "We planned this out for awhile, have what we need. We're doing this. With or with you, or anyone else."

Confide in Hope | DARYL DIXON •2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें