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Rants about people's rants about TWD Seaosn 7, Episode 1.

I have seen so many people saying they lost respect for TWD, as well as how disgusted they are for all the blood and gore on season 7 episode 1.

Bold= people's reasons why they're done with TWD
regular= my rants]

1) people complaining that Glenn & Abraham's death was completely disgusting and graphic

OKAY FIRST OFF, it's THE WALKING DEAD. A show about ZOMBIES AND KILLING. What the fuck do you expect?! ALSO, there was literally THREE WARNINGS. One, before the episode started, another after the first commercial break and ANOTHER after the second commercial break.

2) saying TWD and the writers have no respect for Denise (and Eric- Aaron's husband) since they're gay characters and that Denise deserved better, and that Eric needs more screen time

OK OK OK, first, yes, Denise's character death was shocking and "unnecessary" but literally every death on this show isn't supposed to be necessary... People die, characters die, it's a SHOW. You think they really kill off a character because they're gay? They literally killed off Hershel, Beth, Tyreese, Jim, Lori, Andrea, Gov's assistant etc.

and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, but Eric isn't in the comic books? Or he is? Or maybe he really isn't an important character to the show?

Like example, a lot of the actors on the show don't get a lot of screen time, INCLUDING the main main cast....

3) not watching TWD anymore because of these two reasons AND stopped writing their wattpad stories based off the walking dead

THIS is why wattpad exists. To create stories AND FANFICITON.

4) blaming Daryl (Norman Reedus) for punching negan in the face, which is SUPPOSEDLY why negan killed Glenn.

LOL, no. He is just a character- and Daryl is a tough character, and he did what he always do. He fights for the group- his family. His real family.

I'm laughing because how do you stop watching a show that you were so invested in and so in love with because it got too bloody and graphic.. ITS THE WALKING DEAD...



NEGAN (Jeffery Dean Morgan):
I love him, I hate him. He's great. SOOO different from John Winchester, and so different from his other roles. He was fantastic and I can't wait to see more of negan 😭 his acting is amazing and oh god. Also, you're an asshole negan.
"Jeffery's an asshole." - Norman Reedus' son Mingus

ABRAHAM (Michael Cudlitz)
Rip! You never got to pour the bisquic to make the pancakes with Sasha! :(
on a more serious note, Abe was GREAT. His lines, his acting and his storyline. Man oh man I will miss all of his scenes. He was fucking amazing and it hurt so bad watching him get killed. I guessed him and Glenn dying like as soon as the season 6 finale aired. :(
"Suck... My nuts."
"Abraham died the most Abraham way." Chris Hardwick/Michael Cudlitz

DARYL (Norman Reedus)
Norman Reedus has done it again. Punching negan in the face was a HUGE worry for me, especially when negan called Dwight over to kill him. Instead, Dwight didn't. And I knew why and I knew that he wasn't and he won't ever: Dwight owes Daryl SOO much. Daryl helped him and the two women survive.
Thanks creators of TWD show for creating such a unique character.

I have so much to say :( like Steven's wife and everyone said on Talking Dead last night, Glenn died the most Glenn way; thinking about everyone else before himself.
"I'll find you" really got to me. Made me think so hard about what he meant.
The way Steven's character has developed with only SIX seasons was amazing. He went from being scared and nervous, to bad ass in season 3, to taking somewhat determined in charge s4, 5 & 6
Glenn, you are fucking missed already.

APPLAUSE. APPLAUSE. APLAUSE. Seriously I will never not get tired of Rick as well as Andrews acting. RICK?! I thought he was going to die or something when he jumped on the walker hanging.
Also, CARL MAN! I cannot wait for his character development to go more in depth this season. The whole scene between him, his father and negan was heartbreaking and totally messed up, yet SOOOO GOOD.
"Dad. Do it. Just do it."
ALSO^ Michonne trying to reason with negan on Carl and Rick made me cry. She cares so much about these two :(

WOW. I was devastated. Not only did Glenn's death made me cry and shake, seeing Lauren Cohan act as Maggie was so real. Since they were real tears, it made it seem more real. Her crying, and Carl hugging her and ugh it made my heart break. She AND Sasha have lost everyone.

Rest of the cast/characters:
They each all deserve a standing ovation, and recognition for what they do.

"It's more than just a job." - Chris Hardwick

Please talk with me on TWD! SOO hype already for season 7, and SO scared!

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