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"Wakatoshi~ you're staring again~" Tendo was teasing his best friend as he was poking his cheek.
Wakatoshi furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked at him, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't act dumb. We all know you have a crush on Yukina-chan~"
"Quit teasing him." Semi shoved Tendo to the side.
"I'm just saying. Every single day, at lunch, we sit exactly four tables away from the girls and he would sit here! Every day! Just to stare at her! It's been years!"
"You're going to attract unwanted attention, Tendo." Reon warned in a hushed whisper.
Tendo shrugged, "Maybe that would motivate him in asking her to be his girlfriend."
"I don't want a girlfriend." Wakatoshi took another bite of his lunch.
"You don't want any girlfriend." Tendo teased yet again. "You had so many girls confessed to you and you didn't like any! You need to experience the high school romance~"
"I don't need it. Volleyball is all I need."
"You're missing out on all the great sex you can have."

All the boys at the table spat out their drinks/food. They stared intensely at Tendo as if he was going to taint an innocent child.

"I'm just saying. You've been eyeing her since Year 1 and you never once talked to her. Just staring isn't going to do anything and this is already your last year. Just give it a go."

That night, Wakatoshi was thinking about what Tendo had said. It is true that for the past three years, he's been observing her and he didn't know why. Did he really have a crush on her since Year 1? Does he really want to try and ask her to be his girlfriend?

How could someone like him ask someone like her out? They've never talked. They only had classes in Year 1 together and he was sure she wouldn't remember him.

But what if someone was able to ask her out again? And what if he was the one for her? Would Wakatoshi regret not asking her sooner? How would he feel? He frowned at the thought of seeing another guy with her again. He didn't want to see another heartbreak on her face. And that is when he decided that he'll ask her to be his girlfriend. That way, he can understand why he always get an upset stomach whenever he sees her.

Wakatoshi got out of class quickly as the lunch bell rang. By his third year, he already knew the fellow third year schedule. She would wait by the shoe locker for her friends as she held onto her bento. That is the middle point for all three of them. And she's usually the first one there. If he gets there before the other two, then he could ask her the question.

As he saw her brown hair dancing in the air slightly, he slowed down his pace. Does he really want a girlfriend? And that's when he stopped. He furrowed his eyebrows as he felt his stomach being upset again. His heart was racing.

"Yukina~! Did you wait long?" Yumiko came skipping pass the volleyball ace and hugged Yukina tightly.
"You hug me as if you didn't see me in ten years." Yukina laughed wholeheartedly.
"She's just clingy." Emma teased as the three walked off to the cafeteria.

"Tendo." Wakatoshi spoke when the table was busy eating silently.
Tendo looked up with a curious expression as he saw Wakatoshi staring at him with narrow eyes.
"My stomach hurt when I saw her today. And my heart was beating faster than normal."
"Were you nervous?" Reon raised an eyebrow as he took a bite of his sandwich.
"So this is what nervousness felt like?" Wakatoshi was deep in thought as he placed his chin on the web between his thumb and index finger.
"What were you even nervous about?" Tendo leaned closer, trying to get in the gossip.
"I was going to ask Yamamoto to be my girlfriend."
The guys went white.
"Wait, wait. You can't be serious?" Tendo nervously poked his friend.
"Why wouldn't I? You said I've been staring at her since Year 1. And you said I am having a crush on her. Isn't this what people do?"
"I-I guess." Everyone was still surprised.
"If that's the case Wakatoshi, you were probably having butterflies in your stomach." Semi explained.
"That is false. Butterflies can not survive your stomach acid."
"It is an expression, Wakatoshi." Tendo face palmed. "Let the lord help Yukina-chan with you. Especially when you practically stalked her since Year 1."
"I am not a stalker."
"Exhibit A, Yukina. Exhibit B, Oikawa."

Star-crossed Lovers - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now