Chapter 28

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A month had passed and it was already the holiday season. Which is something Yukina had been dreading. That only means graduation is a few months away and she would need to get into a good school so she can have a well off job. Because of the pressure, her parents had enrolled her into cram school after school, so she has been seeing Wakatoshi less, which was a bummer for the both of them.

Yukina sighed as she collapsed onto her bed after her shower.  She was so tired from the studying and homework from both regular and cram school.

"Why do I even need to go to cram school if I go to Shiratorizawa." She muttered to herself.

She was about to fall into a deep slumber when she heard her phone going off. Groaning she picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Geez, cram school getting to you?" Emma spoke from the other end.
"Yes." Yukina mumbled into her bed, "Why do I need to go to stupid cram school."
"Because your grades are just average."
"Average at Shiratorizawa is better than everywhere else!"
"Yukina, both of us know that your average grades aren't that great... you're only in the top 60% and you're barely in that too."
"Way to lift up my spirits." Yukina groaned in frustration, "Why are you calling me anyways?"
"I just wanted to see if wanted to go Christmas shopping with us."
"Oh shit. When is that?"
"Next Wednesday." Yukina can heat the disbelief in her friend's voice.
"But I don't like presentssssss." Yukina whined as she flipped onto her back. "Ugh, I don't even know what to get Wakatoshi. Maybe a magazine of him on the front cover. Yeah, sounds like he would appreciate it."
"Why don't you just ask him?" Emma sighed. "Even though you guys are dating it's like you two don't even know each other."
"Please, it's only been half a year now. That's not long to know someone." Yukina let out a soft chuckle, "You only know someone once you live with them."
"That is true." Emma laughed as well, "You don't know how much of a pig sty Yumiko is. Thank god we have separate rooms." The two shared a laugh together. Yukina heard a phone call waiting on the other end and so she told Emma that she needed to hang up. The two said their good nights and Yukina switched to the call waiting.

"You sound cheery." Yukina's heart skipped a beat when she recognized the husky voice she enjoyed.
"I can't be cheery?"
"You usually aren't after cram school."
"Maybe I enjoy it now."
"That'd be a surprise by how much you complain about it."
"You're so mean." Yukina pouted and she heard a slight silence between the two.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Yukina smiled to herself as she sat herself on her bed, her back leaning against her headboard. "You know Christmas is coming?"
"I'm aware."
"Do you usually do anything during the holidays?"
"When I was younger, my mom would bring me over to my grandparents."
"You don't do that now?"
"No, I have school and I live in the dorms. So she can't drag me along with her."
Yukina laughed wholeheartedly as she was imagining his mother pulling at him to go with her to visit some relatives. "So you're not doing anything this year?"
"No. Are you?"
"My family is busy this year. Mom has the restaurant going on and dad is busy everyday with his orchestra."
"I never really asked you what your parents did."
"I never asked about yours."
"Do you want anything for christmas?" Yukina held her breath as she anticipated his answer.
"Anything from you is fine."
"You're so lame!" She shouted in despair. "Why couldn't you make it easy for me."
"Well, what do you want?"
"I want to make memories."

Yukina smiled to herself softly as she was playing with her toes. She could imagine the confused look he was giving as they sat there in silence.

"But haven't we been doing that?" He asked cautiously.
"Yes, but none for the holidays."
"What would you like to do then?"
"Have you ever had the modern day Japanese Christmas?"
"We're going to do that then! I'll sleep over, okay?"
"At the dorms?" Yukina smiled when she could hear the slight surprise in his voice.
"Do you not want me to?"
"You never asked before."
"Fine, I won't do it." Yukina pouted slightly.
"I never said no. But what about cram school?"
"Oh, we have that night off. I need to sleep now. Good night!"
"Good night."

Star-crossed Lovers - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now