Chapter 13A

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Yukina was humming happily as she was holding hands with Wakatoshi while walking to the bus stop. For once, she felt happy again. She doesn't want anything to change the mood that she was feeling.

"You guys still have morning practice though, right?"
Wakatoshi nodded. "I convinced the coach to give us this morning free. The others were excited."
Yukina laughed slightly. "I could only imagine. Resting is just as important as practice though."

The two had reached their school. Everyone was watching the two of them as they walked together. Wakatoshi wasn't quite that fond of PDA on the school's ground but Yukina respected that so they didn't continue holding hands. They parted ways at the shoe locker and Yukina made it to homeroom.

Look at that wrench.

Yukina peered around her to see that it was the ringleader from before. She had an angry expression. Yukina wasn't fazed by it since she's seen scarier from Yumiko.

I thought the one month is up. And yet they were walking to school together?

Yukina sighed. She knew what was going to come within the new few weeks.

"What?!" Emma and Yumiko shouted. Mouths hanging open as Yukina tried to quiet them down.
"Shhh!!! Someone can hear you!!"

The three of them were sitting at the rooftop to enjoy the autumn breeze.

"But you don't think it was too soon?" Emma raised an eyebrow. "Just last week you told us you didn't want to."
"Yeah," Yukina have them a shy smile, "but everything felt just right."
"Didn't you say that last time with Daisuke." Yumiko frowned. "We don't want you to get hurt again."
"I think it's too early to tell, but I think I'm starting to get feelings for him." Yukina blushes. Her friends, seeing this kind of embarrassed reaction, couldn't stay mad any longer. They were happy for her, yet they were also worried. "He even knew about my birthday without me telling him." Yukina laughed gently. "That's something no one has done before."
"We're just worried, Yukina." Emma places a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You need to be careful. You fall for guys too easily."
Yukina smiled meekly. "If anything happens, you guys would be there for me right?"
"Of course!" Yumiko hugs Yukina tightly. "What kind of friends would we be if we weren't?"

"Alright, class. We're going to do a partner project. Choose someone. Anyone that is left out I'll be forced to choose your partner."

Yukina sighed. She hated group projects. Everyone always avoided her and no one liked her in the class. But then a girl approached her. Strawberry blonde hair that reached the middle of her back and her warm chocolate brown eyes were kind when they looked at Yukina.

"Wanna be partners?"
"Uh, sure..."
"You can call me Ama."
"Ah, right! The class rep, Amaterasu Takahashi."
Ama giggled as she took a seat in front of Yukina. "So let's talk about our project."

Where are you?

Yukina looked at the text as she was waiting for her partner to arrive at the library. They both agreed that it's better to finished it sooner rather than later and agreed to meet up at the library.

I'm doing a partner project so I'm at the library
With who?
The class rep

"Sorry I'm late!" Ama busted through the corner. "Wow, it's so quiet here. No distractions." She hummed. "Are you texting your boyfriend?"
"Ah, yeah." Yukina smiled shyly. "I usually do my homework when he's practicing but we're doing the project right now."
"We can go there if you want?" Ama clapped her hands together.
"A-are you sure?" Yukina widened her eyes in surprise.
"Of course!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Who's that hottie with Yukina?"

All the guys had stopped their practicing to take noticed of the big busted strawberry blonde girl walking in the gymnasium with Yukina. Yukina smiled nervously as Ama was strutting like this was nothing. The two girls made their way to the benches and Yukina started setting up her workspace. Ama sat there and smiled beautifully as she waved to the boys.

"What do you think you imbeciles are doing?!" The coach was infuriated. "Just because another girl comes in and you think it's okay to get distracted?!"

Quickly the boys started to get back to practicing. Yukina started scribbling down her notes about the topic of the science project. The two of them had grabbed some books from the library beforehand and brought them here.

"Ne~ the volleyball team is really great, huh, Yukina?"
"Um, yeah, I guess." Yukina gave her an uneasy smile.
"So the guy with the number one is your boyfriend right? Wakatoshi Ushijima." Yukina nodded. "Aren't you lucky. He's really cute." Ama smiled gently towards Yukina.
"I-I guess."

Ama giggled and placed her cheek against her open palm as she continued watching the guys play. Yukina looked over and saw that the boys are trying harder than usual. She tilted her head to the side, wondering why as the balls strike the ground harder and louder.

The girls got some brainstorming done by the time the boys were finished with their practice. Yukina looked at the clock and noticed how late it was. She texted her mom earlier that she would be late due to the school's project but she didn't think she would be this late. Quickly, Yukina started packing up her stuff. When she turned around, Ama went ahead and started talking to the boys. Yukina tilted her head, curious about what they were talking. She shrugged though. Her mom was scarier than Yumiko when she gets angry.


Yukina yelped in fear and slowly turned around to see Wakatoshi giving her a worriedly look.

"Did I scare you?"
"You just surprised me." Yukina laughed nervously. She got up and put the two straps of her backpack on. "I need to go. Mom is scary when she's angry." Yukina laughed as she skipped down the benches.
"Let me walk you home." Wakatoshi grabbed his stuff from the benches and started walking out with her.
"Are you sure? No homework?"
"I can do it on the bus."

Yukina and Wakatoshi said their farewells to the others. Some of the guys were arguing about who gets to walk Ama home though.

On the bus, Yukina was in deep thought. She couldn't shake the fact that everyone was training ten times harder today than any other day. Could it be that Ama was there? And when she looked at Wakatoshi training, he was spiking the ball harder too. Was she getting jealous? She shook her head furiously. There's nothing to worry about.

"What's the matter?" Wakatoshi voice echoed through her ears.
"Huh?! Uh, nothing!" Yukina gave him another uneasy smile.
"That doesn't look like nothing to me." Furrowing his eyebrows and scolding at her. Yukina could feel his eyes piercing her soul.
"I can never get anything passed you." She laughed nervously. "I just noticed that you guys were going harder than usual at practice."
"I've noticed that too." Yukina shot her head to look at Wakatoshi with furrowed eyebrows. "And because everyone was practicing harder, I was matching their determination."

Yukina laughed to herself. She really had nothing to worry about. The only thing Wakatoshi cared about was volleyball.

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