Chapter 22

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Good morning.
Le gasp! Is Wakatoshi texting me during practice?
I'm just waiting for everyone to come back from the run.

Yukina set her phone down for a moment so she could get her uniform ready. She heard her phone vibrated indicating that Wakatoshi had double texted.

Why are you awake so early?
Toshiro came running into my room _ all because of a nightmare. I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to get ready
What was the nightmare about?
I don't think you want to know
Why not?
It... involves you
Was it bad?
Uh, kinda
How bad?
You were chasing him
How bad was that?
You were chasing him so you could use him as a volleyball to practice
Just oh?
Well, obviously I wouldn't do that.
That's why it's called a dream _
Why do you insisted in using those emoticons?
So you know what kind of expression I am making. It's not hard to imagine yours
What is mine?

Yukina waited for a few minutes before she put her phone away. She already got dressed and now is heading downstairs for breakfast.

Oh? You're wearing glasses today
My contacts were bothering me so I took them out after practice.
I actually like them. You should wear them more often (♡∀♡)

"It's good that you guys made up." Miho started the conversation at the lunch table. Yukina hummed happily as she was texting away to her boyfriend.
"Yeah, as long as he doesn't text her when I'm around." Yukina frowned slightly as she watched Ama take a seat next to Wakatoshi at the lunch table. Wakatoshi saw Yukina frowning which made him frown and instantly took out his phone.

Why are you frowning?
Because she's sitting next to you
Does that bother you?
Yes, I don't like it (  ̄^ ̄)

Yukina watched four tables down as Wakatoshi looked at the text. He proceeded to call over Reon who just arrived at the table to sit in between Ama and himself. Ama was confused and grabbed a hold of his arm. Yukina had her mouth hanging open and Wakatoshi looked up with widen eyes. The girls at Yukina's table looked over and Emma and Yumiko let out their dangerous aura as their hair were floating in the air. Wakatoshi flailed his arm out of her grip and sat in between Tendo and another kid with short black hair who had a twinkle in his eyes. Yukina laughed slightly as she watch Wakatoshi furrow his eyebrows and a slight sweat appeared on his forehead.

"He probably thinks she's a crazy person." Emma mumbled as she turned off her motherly aura.
"Good, she should just fall off the planet." Yumiko grumbled as she stuffed the food in her mouth.
"You're going to choke, Yumiko." Miho furrowed her eyebrows in worry, "Yukina are you going to the MMA practice match today?"
"Hm? You guys didn't tell me about it." Yukina looked over as 'hurt' was written on her face.
Yumiko quickly apologize and hugged Yukina from across the table.
"You're just going to Ushijima's practice anyways." Emma grumbled as she pouted, "Don't give us that hurtful expression."
"When does it start?" Yukina raised an eyebrow as she felt Yumiko's waterfall tears flowing to the top of her head.
"Half an hour after school."
"I'll come then. I'll leave at half an hour though."
"Stay longer!" Yumiko pleaded.
Yukina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "But you usually knock out the opponent by then. Because you're that good."

Yumiko stood back up with her fists to her hips as if she was victorious.

"That is true, Yukina. You have a good point."
"So she's easy to please I see." Miho stated as the other two nodded with a deadpan face making the whole situation comical.

When Yukina has arrived to volleyball practice, she noticed Ama sitting on the benches. Ama looked over and smiled while waving gently to her. Yukina did the same as she walked over and noticed that Wakatoshi still had on his glasses. She walked over as the guys were stretching and Tendo became overzealous with her coming towards the group.

"Yukina-chan! Yukina-chan!" Tendo started waving his arms as he skipped in front of her. Too bad for him though, Wakatoshi was in between them and as Tendo got closer to Wakatoshi, he stick out his foot a little bit making Tendo trip and fall in front of Yukina.

Everyone froze. No one knew what to do with this situation. When it came to Tendo and Yukina's relationship, Wakatoshi would tolerate it. But to happily skip in front of him when his girlfriend was coming to the court? Not acceptable.

"Wakatoshi..." Yukina was cautious about the situation on hand. She observed the redhead on the ground as the brunette was staring down at him with his stoic face. But it's not the expression where one would wear to be the better person. No, his face was clearly confused on why he even did that.
"Wakatoshi! You big fat idiot!" Tendo stood back up while pointing an accusing finger at him.
"Sorry." Wakatoshi muttered as he bowed slightly. Tendo puffed his chest and cheeks as he crossed his arms and looked the other way.
"You're lucky you're the captain of the team."

Yukina laughed lightly. She was always curious at how the relationship between the two even happened. A talkative guy like Tendo making friends with a silent guy like Wakatoshi. Even though they were like this, you could tell they have deep respect for each other. Actually, that goes with everyone on the team.


Pulling back from her thoughts, she looked at the owner of the deep voice she liked. She smiled gently as she remembered why she came to the court in the first place.

"Why are you wearing glasses during practice?"
"You said you liked me in them and I should wear them more often."
"But wouldn't you get hurt? Glasses aren't that great in sports."
"I did get hit in the head with the ball before."
Yukina gave him an annoyed expression, "Then wear your contacts!"
"You like me in glasses." Wakatoshi repeated his statement but Yukina could tell he was pouting. With his eyes looking down at her as he towered over her, anyone would feel threatened but she couldn't help but laugh softly at his reasoning.
"But I wouldn't want you to get hurt either," she looked up at him with gentle eyes as she wrapped her arms around his waist, "Wear them during the weekend."
Wakatoshi nodded in understanding, but Yukina could see the glint of a pout in his eyes, "Are you busy this weekend?"
"Hm?" Yukina raised both of her eyebrows as Wakatoshi gently placed his giant hands on her shoulders, slightly massaging them. "Why?"
"Do you want to go on a weekend getaway?"
Yukina laughed slightly, "Where? You have weekend practice all the time."
"This time is in Tokyo."
"Ushijima! Let go of your damn girlfriend and get back to practice! You lot too! Stop ogling and start spiking before I spike some at your asses!" The coach started screaming as he was running towards the group.

Yukina let go of her grip as Wakatoshi did the same.

"Just think about it." Wakatoshi nodded before heading to the net.
"Hey! Don't forget to put in your contacts!"

Yukina walked over to the benches and sat herself in front of Ama.

"What were you guys talking about?" Ama asked in a sing song tone.
"Something." Yukina smiled brightly while looking at Ama over her shoulder. Yukina saw a slight frown on Ama's face but she quickly covered it up with a bitter smile.
"Come on now~"
"Oh," Yukina looked at her phone screen to check the time, "I need to go."

Yukina stood up and waved to Ama while walking off.

"Eh~?! Yukina-chan is already leaving?!" Tendo shouted in disappointment.
"Sorry, I have a MMA fight to watch." Yukina smiled and exited the gymnasium.

Star-crossed Lovers - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now