Chapter 30

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Rumors have been flying around for days with neither of the parties confirming or denying the cheating allegations. Wakatoshi had made an effort to try and talk to her, but much to his dismay, she would always find an excuse or just straight up ignore him. She doesn't have time for this. She already had told him it was either Yukina or Ama. Clearly, he chose the latter.

Did he want to say sorry to her? Or did he want to tell her that this was going to happen? And that Ama was the real target after he was done practicing dating with Yukina. She shook her head as she was disappointed in herself that she managed to let another guy in her life, thinking that it would be different, and now she's left alone.

While speculations were running like wildfire, her friends were the constant things in her life. So when one of them is missing during this time of great need, Yukina would worry.

"Guys, where's Miho?" Yukina raised an eyebrow as she was looking around.
"Isn't she in your class?"
"Yeah, but she walked out without me." Yukina frowned at Emma.
"Do you want to go look?" Yumiko raised an eyebrow as she tilted her head to signal that they should.
"Yeah, my gut is telling me something bad is going to happen. She doesn't know how to fight." Yukina got up from her seat, followed by her friends, and they all separated.

Yukina decided to see if Miho was on the rooftop. She would definitely go there if she wanted some peace and quiet. She used to when she was in Year 1 with Yumiko and Emma.

As she was getting closer to the top of the stairs, she heard some voices. Slowly opening the door, careful to not disturb anyone from their lunch time, she wanted to see if Miho was there. And she was! But she was in front of Ama and her posse. Yukina quickly texted her friends to let them know where they were and Yukina waited. She couldn't stop herself from eavesdropping on their conversation once her name was dropped in.

"Why couldn't you just left Yukina alone? She literally did nothing to you." Miho was clearly agitated with the girls. "You guys think that because you're in his fan club, that he needs to be everyone's. You don't even care if he was happy!"
"What do you know?" Ama argues back. "You were the president yet you didn't do anything. I happened to save Wakatoshi from her. Now he has me."
"I'm sorry, what?" Miho let out a long sigh. "How conceited are you to think you're the better option? Wakatoshi was finally happy and now look at him. People on the volleyball team are saying he's not that great anymore. He keeps messing up during practice! Because of you. What do you even have against Yukina?! She's the nicest person in the school despite being ridiculed by the very people she thought was her friend!"
"You won't understand even if I explained it to you." Ama crossed her arms and turned her face as if she was superior.
"Try me, bitch." Yukina gasped as she never heard Miho cuss before. "I knew who you were in middle school. You were the ugly duckling that no one paid attention to and then you came back into high school with a different look. Wait, was that it? Was it because you were jealous of Yukina? That you changed your appearance yet she got Ushijima?"
"I will never be jealous of that slut." Yukina could almost taste the disdain dripping from the sentence. "Everyone only paid attention to her because she was the easy person to sleep with. Only the popular boys would go after her. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. When I'm the much better one." The girls were starting to get nervous when they see Ama heaving as she squeezing her hands into fists. "Even when I tried to be with them all the time, and being nice, and doing whatever they wanted me to do, I was never noticed. I was always the afterthought compared to her. She doesn't deserve anyone and yet, why?! Why?! Why?!"

Ama looked up, her eyes blinded with rage. Gritting her teeth, her knuckles white, Miho was startled. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what Ama was capable of.

"I came from a family who got everything they wanted. Money. Power. Anything! And yet, I can't get anything?! But that slut could get anything she wanted without trying! She even has you, who hated her before, to defend her now?! What the fuck? You want to defend your friend that badly?! Then take a couple of punches for her since she's not here! Or better yet," ama smirked as she took out her switchblade, "I've been dying to use this on her. I guess you'll be my little test subject."

Star-crossed Lovers - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now