Chapter 29

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The two had spent a wonderful sex filled night on Christmas. After, they got really hungry when getting a whiff of the chicken from the microwave and laughed. They cleaned up after themselves so they could have a Japanese Christmas dinner.

New Years quickly came by and the two celebrated it after spending time with their own families. The two went up to the shrine and prayed for each other's health, wealth, and a lifetime of happiness.

Too bad it fell through a few days later.

"Hello?" Yukina answered her ringing phone as she was preparing to take a bath after cram school.
"Hello." The same low rumbling voice answered on the other end of the line.
"Why are you calling so early?"
"Practice ended early today."
"How come? That's not like you?"
"Everyone wanted to end early to celebrate someone's birthday."
Yukina laughed as she could imagine Wakatoshi furrowing his eyebrows like he doesn't understand why they should end early to celebrate. In his mind, they should only celebrate when it's their victory.
"What are you doing right now?"
"I just got back from cram school. I'm about to shower and eat dinner."
"Wakatoshi! Get ready already!"
"Who's that?" Yukina raised an eyebrow as she heard a familiar female voice.
"It's Ama. We're going out for dinner for her birthday."
"It's her birthday?"
"Why didn't you tell me it was hers?"
"She told me not to tell you in case you felt bad being left out."
"Well, you just told me. She's in your room right now?"
"Wakatoshi! We're gonna leave you!"
"Yes. I've got to go. Good night."
"... okay."

Yukina presses the end button on her screen and sighed as she got her clothes from her closet to wear after she finished bathing.

Are you okay?

Yukina stared at screen as she was eating dinner. Her parents noticed that she was quieter than usual and so they tried to make conversation with her.

"How was cram school?" Her dad asked. She looked up at him curiously and then realized what he asked. She shot a glare at him causing him to cry over to his wife. "I told you it was a bad idea!!"
"Daddy is a wimp." Toshiro frowned. Yukina patted his head and laughed softly.
"Right? Mommy wears the pants in the relationship." She continued to laugh as Toshiro smiled brightly.
"Guys, that's not nice. If you want to say that, do it behind his back." The mom joined in the laughter as the dad was whimpering in disappointment.
"Cram school is going to be the death of me, dad." Yukina sighed as she placed her bowl down and leaned her head on her hand that was being propped up by her elbow on the table.
"We want you to have a good future, Yukina." Her mom softened her eyes. "We know you've been struggling with your studies."
"But to put me in cram school so late in the game?" Yukina whined as she placed her head on the dinner table.
"You'll thank us later when you get a well paying job." Her dad smiled softly as he reached over and patted her head.
"You better hope so." Yukina mumbled angrily.

After dinner, Yukina sighed to herself as she was laying in bed, staring at her phone once again. She didn't know how to reply to the text. She was fine that Wakatoshi was having dinner with the team for a birthday celebration. But why was Ama in his room in the first place? Were they by themselves?


She was going to send the text and then go straight to sleep but not a few minutes went by that she felt her phone vibrated.

That's not convincing.
Are you done with dinner already?
Yes, we're going out for ice cream.
Why are you texting me then?
You didn't say good night.
Good night then. I'm really tired.
Okay. Good night.

Sighing, she felt somewhat disappointed with her answer. But she couldn't have gotten anything else from the dense giant.

Star-crossed Lovers - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now