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"Wakatoshi." Wakatoshi looked up to see an already bathed Yukina. Water still dripping from the ends of her hair as she was towel drying it. "Who's been texting you since dinner? I've noticed your phone vibrating every so often but you didn't look? Wouldn't it be important?"
"I didn't want to disturb our time at the dinner table. It is impolite as I was raised that way."
"Well, I guess your mom was good at table etiquette." Wakatoshi nodded. "But did you get a chance to see who it was?"
"Yes. Ama has been texting me."
Yukina raised her eyebrows, "Oh? What about?"
Wakatoshi shrugged, "Just giving me updates about the dinner with the team I suppose?"
Yukina sat on the bed and pried her way into Wakatoshi's arm from under and peered over the phone. "Is it because you're the team captain?"
"Oh look, you got another text from her." Yukina grumbled as she broke his arms around her and made herself comfy in bed.

She watched as Wakatoshi sent another text and got up to shut off the lights. Yukina could feel the bed go down as he made his way under the comforter and wrapped his arm around her waist. Yukina was about to fall into a deep slumber until she heard his phone vibrate. He let go of his grip to turn and look at the text. Another text was sent out and he wrapped his arm around once more. But then another text came through. His arm wrapped again. Another text.

"If this is going to keep happening, I rather you get out of my room." Yukina muttered.

Yukina felt the bed spring back up as he took his phone and made his way through the dark out into the hallway. He gently closed the door behind him. He sighed as he continued his text but was frustrated when Ama couldn't just stop texting him. This went on for another ten minutes where he told her that he needed to go to bed.

He slowly went into Yukina's room and could see her slender body moving as she softly snored in her sleep. A slight smile curled into his lips as he crawled into bed with her. He wrapped his arm around her as the other went underneath her pillow. Wakatoshi held his breath as he heard a grumble from the slight movement but released it when he heard Yukina soundly going back to bed.

All day, Wakatoshi had made an effort to text Yukina whenever he had the chance. He was getting worried when he didn't hear anything from her. They walked to school together this morning so he knew she wasn't sick. But he did notice the lack of sleep she got from last night. He wanted to make sure that she was okay.

When he saw her during lunch time and sent her a text, she didn't even pull out her phone even once. He frowned. It looked like the girls were having a serious talk too. And the bags underneath her eyes were getting worst. But then she let out a small smile and his heart was somewhat relieved.

He didn't realized how much he was concentrating on Yukina that Ama had a deep frown next to him.

The end of the day was here as the bell rang. Wakatoshi wanted to talk to Yukina no matter what. They've talked everyday and he didn't want to stop that. He needed to talk to her. It's something that always got him through the day. And because she had ignored him, he felt restless.

He was walking towards the gymnasium, thinking that Yukina would be there. But while passing through the shoes lockers, he saw a familiar brunette changing her shoes. His heart dropped and a frown appeared instantly. Does she need to go home today? She never told him about it.

"You're going home already?"

Yukina turned around to see Wakatoshi with his sports bag, ready to go to volleyball practice. His facial expression was stoic as ever but Yukina could see a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Yep." Yukina continued to put on her shoes.
"You're not going to practice?"
"... Why not?"
"I want to nap."
"You can nap at the gymnasium."
Yukina scoffed as she was laughing at the idea, "You're funny. Trying to nap when you guys are hitting balls around."
"...Please, come to practice?"
"You have Ama."
"Is this why you've been so moody?"

That should be it. Ever since last night, she's been ignoring him and he didn't like that. He wanted her to look at him. To talk to him. He needed her. Just as much as he needed her, she needed to understand his role as the captain of the team.

"I'm the captain of the volleyball team. I have to keep the team in check. She just wanted to let me know what was happening."
"Wakatoshi." Yukina heaved a big breath in, "I understand. Absolutely, I understand your role as a captain. But you also need to understand that it is not okay to keep texting her when we're sleeping. And to even leave the room to continue the conversation."
"You told me to leave. I didn't want to disturb your sleep." Wakatoshi frowned. Yukina groaned as she started to walk out of the building.
"Forget it. We'll be going around in circles. Good luck with practice." Yukina waved as she parted without giving him a second glance.

Wakatoshi was clearly upset after the talk at the shoe lockers. His teammates tried to cheer him up and gave him some advice. He noted them all and decided to text her on the way back to the dorms.

Can we talk?

He kept staring at his phone and didn't receive anything until he got to his room. He quickly texted his girlfriend back.

Because you were upset.
See, you're still upset.
I can't be upset now?
I just don't know how to make this situation better.
You can't.
I'm sorry then.

At this point, he was really frustrated. He didn't know what he could do to make the situation better. So he decided to the next best thing on trying to solve problems.

The internet.

Wakatoshi woke up early so that he could take the bus and head over to Yukina's house. Once he had arrived, he looked at his watch and saw he was about five minutes early. He took out his phone as he leaned against the wall of Yukina's gate and was debating if he should text her that he's outside or not.

"I'm heading to school now!"

Wakatoshi looked up from his phone and stood straight up from leaning his back on her stone gate. The both of them stood there, not speaking a word to each other for a while. Yukina had no idea what to do in this kind of situation. Wakatoshi was the first to break their staring contest as a frown appeared on his face.

"I'm hoping you'll let me walk you to school?" His voice was only slightly louder than a whisper.
"Oh-kay..." Yukina went ahead and walked in front of him while he followed.

While they were walking, it was awkward silence that engulfed the two. Neither looking at each other nor a whisper was let out. He can't stand this. All the research that he had done from the night before was all jumbled up in his head.

"How can I make this better?"

Wakatoshi's low whisper caught Yukina's attention but she didn't hear exactly what he said.

"I'm sorry, what?"
"What can I do to make this better?" Wakatoshi repeated only louder and with a hint of pleading in his eyes. Yukina furrowed her eyebrows together as she continued walking.
"It's okay. You had good reason to text her. Just don't text her when you're around me." Yukina shrugged.

Wakatoshi nodded as they had reached to the bus stop and the two waited for the bus together. He doesn't like the silence. He knows that Yukina isn't the type to like flowers and chocolates, so what else could he do to make her happy again? They haven't been on a date for a long time so maybe he can try that.

"Do you want to a cafe after school?" Wakatoshi looked over with his pleading eyes again. Yukina, on the other hand, was suspicious.
"I thought you guys have practice?"
"I could always cancel it."
Yukina laughed gently as she gave him a gentle smile, "You don't have to do that."
"You finally smiled."

He really did enjoy that smile of hers. It was contagious to him. He didn't realized that a fond smile was on his face as well.

"Can I give you a kiss?" Wakatoshi whispered as he started to lean down.
"Of course." Yukina smiled brightly as she stood on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck.

Star-crossed Lovers - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن