Chapter 3A

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Do you want to talk now?

Yukina looked at her phone screen, confused. She was sitting at the lunch table in the cafeteria with her friends. She began texting back and left it opened as she unboxed her lunch.

Like in person?
No, through text.
Lol, what?
Laugh out loud?
Oh. Tendo told me it was lots of love; which would make no sense in this context. Were you really laughing out loud?
No, I guess I was just laughing to myself.

Yukina sent the message as a huge grin had appeared on her face unbeknownst to herself.

"What at you smiling about?" Yumiko was curious as to what had gotten her in such a good mood.
"Huh?" Yukina lifted her eyelids to meet her friends and gave them a puzzled look.
"Did your boyfriend texted you?" Emma smirked as she nudged her in the rib.
Yukina laughed as she was ticklish and smiled gently. "He didn't know what lol meant. It was cute. That's all."
Yumiko sighed as she placed her chin on her open palm that was propped by her elbow on the table. "Did this guy live underneath a rock or something?"
"You shouldn't make fun of him for that." Emma scolded at her as she furrowed her eyebrows. "A moment ago you didn't know what bell bottom jeans were!"

The three of them were sharing some laughs when Yukina felt her phone vibrate again.

You look like you're having fun.

Yukina raised an eyebrow and looked around the cafeteria. There, she spotted the same dark olive colored hair that she saw this morning. She stared into Wakatoshi's stoic expression and smiled nervously while waving four tables down in front of her. Suddenly, the red  head next to him popped in her line of vision and smiled brightly while waving back. Yukina was taken by surprise and she guessed her friends sensed something wrong and let out their dangerous auras out causing the red head to gulp and back down. Yukina laughed nervously at the whole situation.

"So how was your match last night? Did you two win?" Yukina tried to change the subject.
"Yeah! Obviously we won! Who do you think we are?" Yumiko crossed her arms as she proudly sat straight in her seat.

The three of them carried on their conversation as Yukina sent a text underneath the table.

Sorry about that. Tell your friend Yumiko and Emma are kinda over protective of me.
You don't need to apologize. It was Tendo's fault for surprising you like that.
Oh, so that's Tendo?
He kinda... scares me.
Because of his looks?
I'll try my best so that he doesn't interact with you.
Hahah thanks.

A moment had went over and there was no text. Yukina shrugged and placed her phone face down and for the remainder of the lunch, she was talking gleefully with her friends.

Yukina got walked to her class by her two friends and she entered her room. She reached into her desk for her Japanese history book and sat it in front of her along with her notebook. She checked her phone one last time before classes start and saw a text from Wakatoshi.

You look cute when you smile.

Instantly, her cheeks felt like they were on fire and she felt fluttering in the pit of her stomach. She was trying to remember back when she even smile. She realized it must've been during lunch time when her and her friends were goofing off. The corners of her lips twitched into a smile trying to imagine the stoic Wakatoshi staring at her lovingly as she laughed.

As if.

She quickly sent a text to him saying thanks and put it away as the teacher walked in.

Star-crossed Lovers - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now