Chapter 17A

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Yukina fluttered her eyes open on a Sunday morning. She turned her head to watch a sleeping Wakatoshi. He was sleeping on his belly as his arms were underneath his pillow. Yukina watched as his back flexes with every breath he takes in. She reached over to traced every bare muscle on his back and sighed to herself happily. She lifted her hand off and was going to get up when she felt a tug on her wrist. She looked back and saw a sleepy Wakatoshi with his half opened eyes.

"Where do you think you're going?" His sleepy voice was deeper than usual and made Yukina's heart skip a beat.
"It's like nine am. It's time to get up."

Wakatoshi pulled her into his right embrace. Yukina was taking in a deep breath of his scent. His natural scent always calmed her down. With his comfortable scent and the warmth he was giving off, she was about to drift back into sleep.

"It's not everyday where I can sleep in.... and wake up next to you." Wakatoshi mumbled sleepily into her hair.
Yukina chuckled internally. "We should really get up for the day though."
"Are you pouting?" Yukina softly laughed.
"No. But we can do it after another round from last night." Wakatoshi mumbled sleepingly as he started to kiss her neck lightly.
"Wakatoshi." Yukina softly moaned, "Please stop. I'm still sore from last night." Yukina pouted as Wakatoshi smirked down at her.
"Fine." Wakatoshi smiled fondly as he left a peck on her forehead.

Yukina smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before getting up. However, Yukina started walking funny.

"Why are you wobbling?" Wakatoshi furrowed his brows. Yukina shot him a look of annoyance and scolded him.
"This is your fault!"

"Breakfast!" Yukina smiled brightly as she placed down her dish in front of Wakatoshi. "Do you want some juice?" Wakatoshi simply nodded as he took a bite of her food. She came back with his glass of orange juice and took off her apron as she sat down to take a bite of her buttered toast with ham and eggs. "Oh that's right." Wakatoshi looked up to see why she widened her eyes. Yukina quickly smiled as she spoke, "since it's easier this way, do you want me to prepare your lunch?"
"Yeah, for school. You know, the girlfriend usually makes a bento for the boyfriend. Basically, giving him some sense of love? I supposed."
"So you love me?"
Yukina quickly spit out her juice which splattered all over Wakatoshi. She quickly grabbed a rag and try to get him dried off. "Oh my god, it's not working. You might have to change shirts." Yukina was really worried about the situation.
Wakatoshi sighed. "It's okay, I'll just take it off." Wakatoshi proceeded to take off his shirt and put it on the chair next to him. He looked back and smirked when he saw a flustered Yukina. "A bug will fly into your mouth if you leave it open like that."
Yukina quickly closed her mouth but shot a look at him when he chuckled softly. "What do you want for lunch tomorrow?"
"Hayashi rice."
"Is that your favorite? You made it for my birthday and now you're requesting it..." Yukina hummed as she took in another bite of her breakfast. Wakatoshi nodded silently. Yukina laughed softly and furrowed her eyebrows to give an uneasy expression. "Okay, okay. I need to go to the super market though, Alright?"

"I'm surprised that your mom suggested Ushijima to stay over with you." Emma raised both her eyebrows. Yukina hummed as she opened her boxed lunch.
"Yeah, it's like we're playing house." Yukina smiled brightly.
"Can I get a boxed lunch from you tomorrow too?!" Yumiko cried as she pulled Yukina into a tight embrace. Yukina laughed at her gesture.
"Sure! If you don't mind having the same thing he's having."
"I don't care! As long as it's your cooking I'm fine!"
"Yukina, stop spoiling her like a child. She's like this because of you." Emma scolded with a frown.
"But I'm only like this with her. It's not like I'm a spoiled brat around you! I know better!"

"It's the end of the world!"
"Wakatoshi is smiling! Run!!!"

The girls looked up as the volleyball team, plus Ama, were making a huge commotion about Wakatoshi smiling. When they saw him though, he had the same stoic expression he always had. Everyone quickly turned away from the commotion thinking that the group was going crazy from their endless practices.

"Ugh, it looks like Ama is sitting with Wakatoshi again." Yumiko rolled her eyes.
"You need to stop that." Yukina frowned. "It's not like she's trying to do anything with him. And I feel like he's so dense that he wouldn't know if she's flirting with him."
"Exactly." Emma ate another piece of rice. "He wouldn't know. So she would try. And then she thinks that because you guys are friends, it's okay."
"It's not like she has any time to play with him. He goes straight to my place now after practice." Yukina pouted. "You guys are going to make me worry for nothing."
Emma sighed and gave her a worryingly look. "You know we want nothing but the best for you right?"

The week had went on as a routine that ended too soon. Wakatoshi had asked to cancel morning practices for the week so that he could walk to school with Yukina. Wakatoshi and Yukina would wake up, eat breakfast, and walk to school together. The two would get to the shoe lockers and depart. During lunch time, the volleyball team and Ama would ask what Wakatoshi has for lunch and every time, they freak out. Yumiko, on the other hand, is in love with Yukina's cooking. After classes ended, the two would meet up at the shoe locker again so they can walk to the gymnasium together as they discuss about their days. Wakatoshi would change his shoes and Yukina would walk in with him. Tendo would hug her tightly as the others greeted her from a distance. Wakatoshi and Tendo would walk her to the benches as Ama was already waiting. After practice, Yukina would be walked by Wakatoshi. Wakatoshi would shower and try to convince Yukina to shower with him so they could enjoy some time together~ though she didn't agree to shower with him, with their raging hormones, the would always have sexual intercourse after he showered. But atlas, on the last day, Yukina agreed to help him wash his back and his fantasy of having sex in the bathroom became a reality. After the shower as sex, Yukina would cook up dinner with the help of her boyfriend and the two would eat together like a happy couple.

Until... the week was over.

Yukina came to her locker and when she opened it, she saw there was a note. She opened it carefully and widened her eyes.

Stop sleeping with my man.

Star-crossed Lovers - Ushijima Wakatoshi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now