23. Going Back

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He was about to slap me, but Itachi got his wrist. "You were the one killed everyone and set our village on fire. You couldn't control yourself from the curse. All you wanted was blood!"

I looked away while tears run down my cheek. I felt my left arm started to hurt me. He went up to me and grab me by my left arm. "I should have killed you, that day, but I didn't. You are my sister. I couldn't throw you away. I put you with Lucky because I didn't want anything to do with you. I knew I won't able to control myself and you'll end up dead." His eyes were watery and some tears rolled down his cheek.

"I don't understand. I am... I am sorry."

He grabs me tightly. "Sorry, doesn't make up what you did." He looks to the side and close his eyes. "I can't even stand looking at you. A woman that killed and murder my clan at a young age by force and willing to stop Kanata's plans."

"Sasaki, he mentioned about a jewel."

He looks at me. "A jewel?"

"Yes, h-he... What you know about it?"

"Even Lucky wants it. What it is, Una. What is the Jewel that they are looking for?" He pulls me in.

"I don't know, I really don't. How would they can believe that I would know where it is? I don't know."

"Damn you, Una. All of this for a damn jewel. Is that what is this about? A stupid jewel?" Sasaki yelled.

I made both fists. "Yes, but something doesn't add up, Sasaki."

Sasaki lets go. "Of course it doesn't, all my life, wandering around just to think how the hell I became homeless and had the hardest life all because of you. Yet, you and that jewel became my downfall. This is annoying, all of it. Kanata, Orochimaru, and Lucky were all in it. I have no hope. I really don't. Why should I keep living, Una?" He put his arms out in the air. "What do you want, Una! This is your story."

I looked up to him to see how hurt he was. "You should live..."

"You had everything, Una. I have given you a life yet it wasn't enough to keep me away from you. I have to time travel time throughout all my life. I know where you end up, but guess what."

"What?" I said.

"You still have a good life then me. That's why I ask, what's the whole point of living. It isn't fair... It truly isn't fair, Una. I wasn't the one that did not do this. It was you. All of it!"

"Kill me." I said as I looked up to him.

"No, you won't know what is to suffer." Sasaki grabs my shoulders. "I will help you, but it doesn't mean that I want you in my life. I have to ask you, take Itachi and yourself out of this timeline at once, you and him don't belong here."


"I will give you something." He grabs my arm and removes the band-aid from the left arm. He did a jutsu grabbing my left hand as his petal flower moved towards my arm. It causes me great pain that it rips my skin. I yelled in pain.

"Itachi we will meet again here. Please wait. I am taking back Una to her group. Her teacher is on to us.

He picks me up and says, "rose petals." We both disappeared.


We meet with Kakashi. I have to play it off like I didn't know better since my brother would have done something to him. "Kakashi." He turns around and looks at me. I placed my right hand on my forehead. I cried. "R-run, Ka-kas-shi." I used my own jutsu against me to make me go to sleep.


I want to abandon my teammates because I want to head back to my timeline, but they stop me so I had no choice to head to Ai's hometown called Hearts. We went to their house and stayed there for a bit. Ai gave me her old clothes. After that, she gave me a blue blank book that she didn't need. I asked if I could get three pieces of paper.

She gladly gave them to me. I began to write a letter for Sasuke and to Itachi, well the third paper will go with my brother. When I was done, I took the blue book put it in the two letters. The last one I have placed Sasukes' letter in my pocket. 'I must go back to Itachi.' Kakashi took us to practice our chakra outside. I put the blue book next to the tree.

Kakashi spoke. "You will learn how to climb on trees. You need to put chakra on your feet," with that, he taught us and left.

I looked at them. "I already know that."

Sasuke looked confused. I walked up the tree like it was nothing. I sat on the tree branch to look at Naruto and Sasuke failing which it made me laugh at them. Sasuke looked at me. "Snow."


"Why, you wanted to kill yourself?" He asked.

I looked down. I lied, I did not want to kill myself. "I don't know."

Naruto says, "what do you mean?"

I got a plan, I hop down and place my both hands on top of their heads. "The less you the better." I put them to sleep, I just had to escape them. "I couldn't keep Itachi waiting any longer."

I looked down to see them. I moved their bodies and place it next to each other. "I don't want you guys to know. I am a curse. I will always be that way."

I placed the curse rose jutsu on Sasuke's forehead that will help him not get the curse from Orochimaru. I took out the letter to put it in his pocket. I summoned a red rose to put on top of Sasuke. I walked away from them and the emotion that runs through my heart is broken. I stop to look behind me.

"I will return."


I headed out to Itachi. "Itachi, are you here?" He appears out of nowhere and scared me. "Oh God," I placed my hand over my chest. "Where is my brother," I asked him.

He points and he was beside me. "Una."

I turn around. "Sasaki." I notice his right arm is gone. I went up to him. "Why you cut off your arm?"

"Just go back to your timeline." I grab his arm by force. "Let's go to the ground below us, I will heal you."


I took out the two letters and handed over the blank blue book to Sasaki. "I want you to deliver this blank book when I am age ten and to write on this blank piece of paper. Deliver it to me when I'm twelve years old in Orochimaru's hideout and a red rose with that." He took the piece of paper and the book. "Sasaki, I want you to live happily, I don't want to cause you no more pain, this will be the last time, I will be seeing you," I smiled at him.

"Una, I don't want to see you again, but I will deliver this." He sounded sad.

I looked down for a while. "I'm sorry. I only wanted for you to live a normal life." I looked up at him. "I have to go back to my future." I turn around to look at Itachi. "Itachi come, put this letter in your pocket."

He grabs my letter and places it in his pocket. "So, that explains the letter and everything."

I smiled at him. "When we go back Itachi. You and everyone won't remember me besides my brother. There's three different types of time traveling, its future, present, and past jutsu. We got here by past jutsu. I will summon present jutsu. Brother, I think you need to get out of the way."

Sasaki gets out of the way. I sit down and put out my hand in front of me so I can summon present. I closed my eyes. I concentrated all my chakra into my hands and opened my eyes. "Present jutsu." The vortex started to form. "Itachi get behind me and grab shoulder." He did what I told him. The hand of Fate came out and grab us.

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