"But he says sweet-nothings in my ear and he's a nice man Regina! He even brought his daughter to my house to sleep because he thought I was a better example.

"Wait..he got kids?"

"You're missing the point! I just wanna know if I'm qualified to even be his girl. Maybe I'm thinking too hard into this. He just might be using me for sex...Why did I even invited him into my home? Now he's crashing there with HIS daughter who is so adorable.."

"Parker calm down and go talk to him on your break. How you a therapist trying to get love advice from me, bitch your problem should've been solved. Like wassup? Scooby-Do that shit baby girl. It's not hard," I began to laugh at her impression of B. Simone.

"Shut up, good bye," As I pulled up to the parking lot, I parked in my usual spot to turn off the ignition and grab up my stuff.

Just as I was about to head out of my car, I heard someone groan as my door accidentally hit them. Oh dear, please let them be okay. Slowly easing my way out of the car, I looked over to see a tall dark man hunched over.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, here left me help you," grabbing a hold of his hand he leaned back up looking at me.

"D-Don't worry love, I'm fine..." looking down at me he flashed a smile.

Taking in his features, his brown eyes soaking into my soul as his chocolate brown skin melts along with the sun. His purse whites was beyond blinding as he flashed them off. Watching him stand up to his feet, he closed my driver door to get it out of our way.

He wore a nice dark grey buttoned shirt with smooth black pants and a matching tie that had thin white and silver stripes. With the outfit, was a nice belt and some fancy Clarks. On his shoulder, he carried a leather briefcase which I found quite nifty.

"I'm Josh..just moved here not too long ago. I'm doing an internship at the Mental Healthcare facility, do you know which building it's at? I know it's connected to the urgent care."

Damn, well there goes my luck.

"Yeah, I work there, My name's Parker, I work on one of the top floors. Who's your intern?"

"Her name is Marshall Lavont is her name...I hope to make a good impression cause I'll be here for six months."

"Ahh, nice," opening up the back door, I bent over to grab the rest of my belongings.

"Need me to carry anything?"

"Um sure, here hold this," I handed him my bag with information on all my clients.

Closing back that door, my hand opened up the driver's side getting the coffee out of the cup holder closed the door shut. Flinging the bag over my shoulder, I held the coffee cup in my hand before digging in my pocket with the opposite hand to lock the car with my keys.

Soon enough, the two of us began to walk inside the building together.

"You look nice today Parker, I like the attire," he took in my navy blue pencil skirt with a white blouse that had the matching blue poka-dots in them.

My makeup was natural with brown and gold shades among my eyelids. To make the look seem simple, I just applied a champagne lip gloss to my lips.. The look couldn't look any better without my matching navy blue heels, c'mon now. And they were red bottoms honey!

"Thank you Josh, you don't look half bad yourself. Now, the receptionists are the most nosy so anything you do, they are the first to know and spread it like wildfire. Depending on which floor you're assigned to, the first three are nonchalant and keep to themselves but after that, the real fun kicks in and everyone is loud and obnoxious," laughter escaped from our lips as we walked towards the elevator.

Love Me Naked|Dave EastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant