Chapter 066: Rex Kingsley Yuropean Shinigami

Start from the beginning

But because he didn't persuade his Team Leader, he was kicked out of the SWAT team and with it he proceeded for a discharge and chose a private security company... leading to here.

Ever since then, he decided to always trust his instincts and that is also the reason why he called in for backup even if he's still far away.

Although he could hear the strong rustling of the wind from 15m away, the creaking chairs with the rattling of the blinds is making his senses dull with the screaming danger.

Unfortunately, his sense of danger was still blunt as its only honing platform, his former team, had kicked him out and thus this 'sense of danger' had gone bland. If he was in the frontline battlefield, a small amount of that feeling would have made him call in the entire team to assault the location.

Still, he radioed in, "Tango-Bravo, this is Romeo-Two-Four. I'm entering the office. Request Unit to be at entrance position. OVER."

<Copy that. Romeo-Two-Three, what's your 20?>

<Tango-Bravo, this Romeo-Two-Three. I'm on the entrance. Confirm Eye Check.>

There are no cameras inside the office and every office only have one entrance and exit doors. The cameras are on the hallways and the doors, and as for him, he was on the exit door, the nearest to his original post's location.

<Romeo-Two-Four, Unit is in position. Eye Check is beaming and negative on results. Proceed with the sweep.>

"ROGER that Tango-Bravo."

Since he was the one who called in the 'Ally Unit' for support, he was the 'superior' between them so he was the one who replied.

(AN: All of these radio courtesy jargons and such, you can just try to research them all in Google. All of this here is my knowledge from my former post as a soldier. But please be advised that Military Radio Courtesy is fundamentally different than the 'Civilian Version' I'm using here now. This is a typical example only applicable if the two units are on the same rank or position within their team, but there are exceptions to this rule that I don't wish to elaborate since they're inappropriate to the entire chapter)

The door creaked as he gently pushed it open but halfway through —his eyes went wide open for he felt his right hand was clasped by something with a monstrous strength, crushing the smaller bones on them and ultimately disabling him from firing his gun as a reaction.

"Argh! Cyclone! Cyc—Hmmmmppphh..."

He could only roar in pain.

And yet before the man could even finish a report, Rex had him on the throat and his monstrous hard grip threatened to crush his pharynx along with the rest of his esophagus.

Rex didn't kill him immediately and only met the man eye to eye. Rex removed his mask and on his forehead was a golden eye that shined brightly in contrast to the dim room.

The man's eyes dulled from the hypnotic lasers he received directly, entering into an 'honest' state as Rex began the questioning after letting go of his neck that still had the marks of his hand. The man coughed but stood straight, looking at Rex blankly, ignoring the bleeding broken right hand.

"Did you kidnap a group of people a day ago from the airport? Yes or no."

"Yes." The man answered like a robot.

"Is it by the order of the Duke of Levingston?"


Rex's fists trembled as he fought with himself to not kill the man immediately.

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