Having Fun, Asanuma Shintaro Part 1

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Requested by Mizucchi


With my heart throbbing so fast, I turned my voice tape to one of my professors. Two out of three chances for this semester.

I failed the first one, if I fail this second one, I only have one more chance. If I fail all three chances, I need to drop out of this voice acting school. Also, not just fail, but I'm on the bottom place.

There's a seiyuu that I look after to, the very reason why I wanted to be one. The first time I met him, he wasn't that famous yet, but now his name is known by lots, not just being a seiyuu but a director and even scriptwriter for stage plays.

But I only have this dream of working with him. I'm a small dreamer that didn't have any talent.

"Hey, you look so gloomy. Are you okay, (F/N)?"

"Nat-chan, did you hand in your voice tape?" I asked my one and only friend here in this school.

"Yeah, yesterday. I confident with this one" she answered and I could see that she really is "how about you, (F/N)?"

"I don't know. I think I'll fail again this time."

"But then you have a good voice, and your acting is top notch, I wonder why that sensei failed you?"

I know the very reason why, but I couldn't tell her nor anyone

"Hey! Did you hear about the one chance opportunity?!" One of our classmates suddenly joined us

"One chance opportunity?" We both asked

"Yeah. An unknown day, there will be a day, just a day, that couple of seiyuu, directors will come to our school and they will be in some classes, supervising the class. Then if they chose you, you will instantly moved to the higher classes and you are allowed to find an agency!" She excitedly told us

"There's like that here?"

"It's once in a blue moon, and the reason why I am telling you two is because" she looked around and whispered to us "there is a high chance they will be here this month"

"Uhm... thank you for letting us know. But I wonder why you are telling us?" I curiously asked

She smiled and made a peace sign "I know how great the two of you are, especially you (L/N). That sensei is just plain mean. I already passed, and I wanted you two to have this chance."

"Thank you!" I was moved to what she said but felt bad because I couldn't remember her name

"I'm Kimura Honoka. I am sure you forgot my name" she chuckled then sat with us, and told us more info.


Though she told me that, as if I could get better. I failed, because I suck. Also, we still don't know when they will come. It's been a week since then.

"This is the worst..." I sighed as I sipped on my box apple juice

I am hiding behind the school. A secluded place where only few people come here, but today I'm the only person here.

I flipped my notes for my next class, recording class. Basically, how to record anime. Today's class, they made the anime, it's an original anime with original script.

But reading this script...

"There's really no feelings to it... the script itself" I sighed and read it.

I revised a little bit, and read it in how I understand the story. I didn't read the main heroine but the friend.


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