Not Too Late for Hatano Wataru Part 1

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Requested by TheUndergroundSun


"1-5, a b b d c, 6-10, d a c b a"


You looked at the male sitting across you, who was yawning and looking on a blank space. You were on his place, checking the assignments of your students.

"Wataru, if you are that tired, you don't need to help me." You commented poking his cheeks using your pen.

"Eh?" You chuckled from his response and shook your head

"I can do it by myself, go and rest. Look, Mugi-chan is already sleeping" You pointed at the cute cat that was sleeping on the box "he is is surely sleeping peacefully"

He agreed to what you said and he got the answer paper "I still can do it. I promised you after all"

"Well, you did, but you don't need to do it today. I mean, you are busy after all in your work"

"Talking about yourself?" He asked that made you looked at him confusedly "As a high school teacher, are you okay looking after your students?"

"I am fine, I am fine!" You answered enthusiastically "compare to a seiyuu, I am fine. Wataru, I know you ever since we are young, we are best friends, I know that you are troubling with something."

He sighed and pouted his lips, your eyes kept coming back and forth to him and to the assignments you were checking.

"(F/N), I feel hopeless now" he started in low voice

"About what?" You asked

"For having a love life"

"You are asking now?" You responded in which he looked at you horrified, since he wasn't expecting your response. "What? I mean, what is expected when you are too busy with your job? And you have Mugi-chan"

"No! No! No! No! No!" He shook his head and laughed in disbelief "so you are just saying that I am really hopeless to find one?!"

"Well you can say that" you chuckled and rested your chin on your palm "if you want to find one, find someone who can look after you, and of course can understand that you are busy that you cannot go on date that much"

"Is there someone who is fine to that?!" He asked you and you gazed away, silence was your response "your response just now... you mean there's none, right?"

"Wataru, fighting!" You made a peace sign and resumed checking the papers in front of you. Your best friend slumped his head on the table and whined, you were laughing at him. "Then, why all of a sudden?"

"Just... a listener of 2D love asked me and Terashi, and somehow I realized that I might be hopeless in finding one, since we are in this age"

"Hmmmmm... Then my condolence" you laughed and he again pouted his lips "Well, I cannot say that to my students though."

"Of course you can't. Don't make your students feel pitiful, (F/N)!"

"I will not, especially right now that I became a counselor for students"

"Councelor?" He asked then he also continued checking the assignments

"Yeah, listening to their problems, giving advice, chatting with them. Ah, hear this, Wataru!" You excitedly remembered "today, a couple went to hide in my room"

"Couple? Why?"

"You see, the guy is very famous in school and he got a girlfriend, in which everyone didn't expect, since she isn't a person that stands out"

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