A Foreign Place for Irino Miyu Part 2

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Requested by minalin_sky


Time has passed since Irino started being an exchange student in this foreign land. It was the 1st week of June, and your closeness with Irino couldn't be denied. You became a very close friend of his not just because of the Language Exchange but also because you became his English partner. For their program, they were assigned to have one English partner, and you were assigned to him because the head teacher of the program chose you since you were one of the volunteers.

You two were always together, almost everyday. But then, you only had his gmail adress, since you believed that he had no Line account because he said that he had no Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

But because of that, you learned a lot of things about him. However, you felt it. Irino was still so far away from you. You felt that no matter how close you were, you would never know the real Irino Miyu.

And now, the Language exchange students were having a Karaoke party, to celebrate the students who graduated last May

"Everyone is really good at singing" you clapped as Yuka sat next to you. She became like a sister to you that you were okay for her to call you nee-san

Irino on the other hand got a lotof friends, resulting for him to be the most popular guy among both genders. That was why he could talk to anyone from the Language Exchange

"Miyu, you should sing too!" Kenta shouted then gave the microphone to him "give him something to sing!"

"I'll do it!" Joshua volunteered. Even though he is not interested with male seiyuu, he searched for Irino's past activities and he found out that he is part of Kiramune, so he searched for one of his songs. He input the song 'Faith', and because it started immediately, they failed to read who was the singer.

Irino couldn't turn them down so he started singing, his own song, making everyone's jaw drop down from his entrancing voice.

You also couldn't believe how beautiful his voice was. As he was singing, he asked everyone to join him and the party became livelier. You and Yuka on the other side, just remained seated and clapped with the rhythm. But then, you felt conscious from his stare, and while he was singing, you could see him looking at you.

Once the song ended, you all clapped and cheered since it was a perfect score

Irino was supposed to sit down, but then the next song played, he couldn't help but again sing. It was his other song "Jewelry Day"

Good for him though that the name of the singer was not registered for the song, so the others didn't know that it was his song.

As he was singing, his body was moving on its own, and he was dancing along while singing. Again, your eyes were fixated on him, as if you were watching someone having a concert. And you all couldn't believe that he perfectly knew the song.

Again, once the song ended, Irino got a perfect score. He then told everyone that he would take a break. Irino sat down next to you, then took a sip from his water bottle

"You were so good! I was so stunned!" You complimented

"Thank you! It's been a while since I sung those songs"

You chuckled from his response and made a thumbs up "better than before"

"Have you been singing since you were in Japan, Miyu-san?" Yuka asked and he nodded honestly "wow, that's great. But you can be famous with that voice" Irino just laughed dryly, and drank the remaining of his water "nee-san, I am curious all of a sudden, what if a famous guy ask you out, are you okay with it? And what you will do?"

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