We Meet Again, Uchiyama Kouki Part 1

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I crossed my arms, sighing loudly, staring at the unopened boxes on my living room.

"Now that the moving is done, I need to unpack them all. Good luck (F/N)!" I told myself, but I really felt lazy.

I just moved from Akita. After graduating in Akita International University, I worked there as a translator. But because of that work too, I needed to move here in Tokyo. The branch here needed more people, and because I came from Saitama, they chose me.

Oh well, I really don't mind. I can visit my family, meet up with my high school friends while I'm here. I was missing in action all these years, never met anyone aside from the people in Akita. Even after returning from my exchange, I stayed in Akita.

"Anyway, should I unpack now?" I asked myself but then there was a doorbell, probably the pizza I ordered.

As I got out to get my order, I heard the door next door closed. I should give presents to my neighbors. Since my apartment was located at the very last, I would start from the one next to me. Before that, I need to unpack and clean my place.

I put down my order down and sat down in front of one of my unopened box. I should start unpacking.

An hour had passed, and I just finished unpacking ONE box! Well, I couldn't help it. I was distracted by lots of things. I grabbed the box near me and once I opened it,

"Wow! So nostalgic!" I awed as I grabbed the first thing from it, my high school year book

I sat down on the floor and started flipping the pages. Our faces were so young. However, I froze once I saw one specific student

"Uchiyama... I wonder what is he doing now? I never heard anything about him after that"

 I wonder what is he doing now? I never heard anything about him after that"

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(Photo credit to the one who posted in tumblr, http://shiranai.co.vu/post/146949509456/the-dire-need-for-these-pictures-to-be-preserved)


"(F/N), are you really planning to confess later?" My friends worriedly asked. It was the day of our graduation, and I planned on confessing to Uchiyama Kouki, my classmate since elementary. We weren't childhood friend, or something like that. We were friends, but not close enough even though we knew each other since elementary days. Actually, it was a pure coincidence that we both entered the same middle school and high school. And now, I didn't know where he would enter university, but it would be nice if we enter the same university. ThoughbI was accepted in two universities, my choice would depend after the confession

I didn't know much about him, but his straightforward words, and actions really strike me. But I realize that I fell in love with him during our first year, when he saved me when I was locked up on the gym. I knew I had a feeling towards him before, but because of that, my feelings grew deeper and deeper. I hid it through high school, but I would definitely let him know my feelings.

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