This Time for Sakurai Takahiro Part 1

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Requested by mauliya_mau


I couldn't calm down. My hands were trembling, and sweating a lot! I am waiting for their response, so I can ask my friends later.

"(F/N)!" I flinched when one of my friends, Miho, suddenly sat in front of me.

"What?" I asked as I looked at her and noticed that the other 2 were behind her. "What are you doing in my class? I am going to see you three later" I asked since they were not from this department

"Tomorrow is Saturday! And I asked everyone, they are free! I know that you don't have anything tomorrow, so let's go somewhere!" She excitedly told me

"Let's go (F/N)!" Misaki added as she sat next to me

"We're 20 years old already, and so we need to enjoy our life. So let's go! We will be in our last year of university soon, and for sure of all people you will be the busiest of all! So please (F/N)!" Chisato followed

"You are so engrossed with your study, so you need to socialize more!" Miho insisted

"You guys just want me to attend a goukon, right?" I asked suspiciously

"Of course not! You have Tani-kun!" They responded at the same time

"He is just a friend" I sighed but then I flinched when I felt my phone vibrated

"its okay 👍! You can tell them and also invite them! But it's a private ceremony so make sure to limit them"

It's a response from my mom, and not long after a message from my dad also arrived, and then from uncle and auntie and from him too.

"Hello? Are you in Earth (F/N)?" Miho waved in front of me "your answer?"

"Sorry, actually I have something to do tomorrow." I told them and I could see how their brow raised, as if they didn't believe in me

"I asked you last Friday, and you told me that you have no schedule today. So make sure that your schedule tomorrow is very important to ditch us out" Miho sounded so irritated

"Miho, let's hear her first, okay?" Chisato calmed her down

"Well, I am also inviting you three and I will also invite Tani-kun" I told them and replied to them that I would invite 4 people.

"Inviting us? For?"

"Actually, I am getting married tomorrow"




"Well... things escalated quickly last Sunday"


I was busy reviewing for my exam this coming Tuesday, which I needed to pass since if I couldn't pass that, I need to take one more semester.

So I asked my family to don't interrupt me.

But gosh! They were so noisy! I just hope they won't barge in so suddenly!

"(F/N)!" And speaking of, my dad just barge in "PREPARE YOURSELF! WE'RE GOING SOMEWHERE! YOU NEED TO WEAR THE KIMONO YOUR MOM WILL BRING!" he sounded so desperate, but

"No! I have exam coming and its an important one" I told him

"(F/N)! This is very important for our family! You need to go!"

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