Chapter 1 The Shocked Kuchiki's

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  Rukia's POV

   "Nii-sama, why is it that you and I got paired up to go see what's happening in Rukongai?" I asked "I mean, it's not like I didn't want to go with you. But why...." I stopped as enormous spiritual pressure dropped me to my knees.

"What?" I gasped as I struggled to keep standing. Nii-sama was still standing, his reiatsu searching for the area of the pressure. It stopped, allowing me to take full breaths. Nii-sama frowned as he glanced in all of the areas. 

"Rukia, come with me." Nii-sama said as he flash stepped to the town of the 60th district. I shudder thinking of how horrible this district was when I lived here. I glance quickly to make sure no danger would happen to us. But considering that there's a captain, someone would be downright stupid for attacking us. I lost my trail of thoughts as Nii-sama walked into a rundown house. I placed a hand on my zanpakuto. Whatever had that much reiatsu was bound to be dangerous. 

"Stay close, Rukia. this may be an arrancar or an enemy of the Soul Society. Don't let your guard down." NIi-sama said as he reached to flip on the light.

"Hai" I unsheathed my katana. 

The lights flew on, blinding me for a second. However, what we were expecting, wasn't what we expected. 

I stare at the lady and the child who looked up at me with frightened eyes. I glance up to Nii-sama. I was shocked to see his reaction. He was shocked, but in a different way i had never seen him before.

"Nii-sama, are you alright?" I ask him. He doesn't reply as he continues to stare at the lady. I looked more closely, before I realize the why. 

"Hello Byakuya and Rukia. I missed you so much." Hisana said as she held the child in her lap.


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