Chap 7

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Other day i went at hers.

I had the keys but i preferred to press the bell button this time.

Door was opened by her on the third bell. Dressed in a baggy shirt and trousers, she looked very different.

I had never seen her for the first time in a loose bun. She always preferred a ponytail.

"Come in." She said.

Once i sat down at the couch, she asked, "want to have a cup of coffee?"

I nodded.

I had missed the taste of her hands. She sometimes used to make me things and i had craved for her handmade food ever since i stopped coming here.

After she had placed the tray right in front of me and was now seated parallel to me on the same couch but at a little distance, i called her.

When her attention was all towards me, i said, "i don't know why are you pale. Neither i can ask why you hadn't been taking my calls nor i have the audacity to ask why you haven't been going to work

"It's not like that." She looked over at me and smiled softly. "I resigned."

I nodded as the silence fell again in between us. I preferred having my coffee during the while.

"Hania." I took her hand in mine and pressed it sofly. "You know no man gonna love you like i do."

"Will you marry me and make me the most happiest?"

She looked at me in shook and kept looking. I had shook her hand slightly to bring her back to reality.

"If you need time you can have it."

She shook her head, pulling her hand away.

I scooted towards her. "Look you don't need to worry. I promise you will never regret the decision you make." I cleaned the tears off her cheeks.

"I need some time to think about anything and everything. I have so much going on right now."

"I respect your decision and comfort. I will wait until you are ready." I leaned back.

She nodded. "Thank you."

"I have some questions to ask. But first of all i came to know that a man had visited you once in this past week. Who is he?"

"Have you kept people to keep an eye on me?"

"Of course not."

"Then what's the problem? Is it something with your trust?"

"I do trust you. Just answer my question."

"He is just a friend."

"I was just a friend too."

"What do you mean?" She frowned.

"You can't let any man in, Hania."

"I know. Its just he became my friend a few weeks back. When that night you left. The bell had rung and i opened it thinking you had come back. But it was Asim. My friend. He asked me why i was crying and i told him everything. He said don't worry i will take you out."

"Who the hell is this Asim? I have never heard about him before."

"Told you. He became a friend few days back."

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