chap 45

195 15 2

● Y A W A R ●

The previous few days had been so busy. I had so much on my plate these days. Be it finalising the chefs or making time to visit Uncle Yahya.

Today was finally the day, tho, I was on my way to meet my uncle and to ask him about his health. I visited him two times in hospital, but both of the times he was asleep under the effect of medicines.

I pressed their bell button and waited. A young girl, almost of Riya's age, opened the door.

I recognised her. She was the girl from the hospital. Uncle's daughter.

"Assalam-o-Alaykum!" She said. Before I could reply to her, i heard another man's voice.

"What are you doing at the door?" I heard a manly voice from inside.

"I am answering it."

"Go inside, Sanha." A young man came into view as he eyed me suspiciously.

Sanha fidgeted with her Hijab and was about to walk in when I stopped her by saying. "Excsue me, wait."

"What is it?" Young man asked me, but I ignored him. He seemed to be a red flag.

"That's for Uncle." I forwarded a bag from the nearest cafe that was famous for its delicious chocolate cake. I have got one for Uncle. Not sure about Uncle, but I believe his daughters would love it. There was chaos going on in their lives, and if a bite of creamy, chocolate cake melting in your mouth could put your mind off of things, I would definitely love causing this fraction of peace to someone.

"Thank you." She took the bag from me.

"Is Uncle in there?" I asked her again, ignoring the young man.

"Yah, I will let him know about you." She opened the door wide for me, and I stepped in.

"Who is he?" I heard the young man ask her in a whisper.

"Ask him yourself." Her reply came bluntly.

One thing I was sure was that he wasn't happy to have me over. But as far as I know, Uncle only had two daughters, so who was this gentleman, anyways?

None of my business, I remained myself.

"Taya's room is this way." He ushered me into a hallway.

I was again left in awe by the beauty and antiqueness of the interior of this home. Aunty Zeenat was again an amazing architect.

"Stay outside." He almost snapped at me, and I flinched.

"What's wrong?" I whisper yelled.

"Stay. Outside." He mouthed and pushed me a step back with his forefinger pressed to my chest.

Is he a psycho or what?

"I will go inside and check if Uncle wants to see you or not."

"Tell him that Yawar is here." To my surprise, my voice came out mellowed.

He removed his forefinger and went inside.

I sighed. May be I shouldn't have come. May be I should have just waited until he had joined the office again.

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