Chap 58

82 5 0

~ Y A W A R ~

Ontario, Canada

"Abi?*" I heard a knock that had me look away from my laptop screen, "can I come in?"

"Sure, Zahra. Have a seat." I pushed my laptop screen down and turned my attention towards her. "How's your mother doing?"

"Alhumdulillah, more than fine. Jazak Allah for your concern."

"Good to hear. What brings you here?"

"Actually, my mother wanted me to invite you and your wife over at our place, but I couldn't deliver the message any sooner because of her debilitating health. Now feels the right time."

"That's very kind of your mother but she shouldn't be troubling herself."

"Sir, please don't refuse. I and my brother think interaction with others will help mother come out of her shell."

I gave her a plaintiff smile, "why don't you bring her with yourself to cafe sometime?"

"I someday will. I am sure she will love it here." Zahra's eyes twinkled. "But first you need to visit us for Iftar."

I thoughtfully nodded, "ok, In sha'Allah."

"Bring your wife as well."

"Sure, I will convey your message to her."

"I'd be obliged."


I spent most of my evening with Sanha. We chiefly talked about her, what she had for breakfast, how some paint got spilled on her favourite clothes, how many days it took her to complete the painting that was to be shipped internationally.

"How was your day?"

"Bas theek tha." I stared out of the windscreen of my car that I had parked by the side of the highway. Sanha was mixing her cold coffee and the sound was surprisingly soothing. Everything she did either knowingly or unknowingly was becoming strangely palliative for me.

"You say nothing about yourself to me. Do you not trust me?"

I turned to her in response. "This is because-" I have barely anything to share about myself. What was there to be told anyways? "-nothing special has happened lately."

"Should I have confidence in you in this aspect?"

"As a wife, you should." I shrugged.

"This doesn't justify it."

"Most of the things aren't warranted in this world."

"Yawar!" She wailed my name sweetly, "I have a few more years until I understand such deep and humourless replies of yours."

I revived the engine and brought the car to the middle of highway, concealing my smile by running my hand over my face. "Someday you will get used to this."

"I will become acquainted with it just like my mother did." I watched her roll her eyes at the periphery of my vision, "but don't worry I'd still love you."

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