chap 50

187 18 8

R I Y A ●

I stared in the darkness of night

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I stared in the darkness of night. I hated how gloomy nights were becoming as winters were approaching. Something bitter from my past was linked with this blackness.

I was never a night fan. I preferred sleeping earlier, or else I'd start to lose my mind with all the negative notions. If's and but's would finish me.

I have read somewhere that the part of the night between 12AM to 2AM was a period where we were mostly at our weakest, leaving us prone to demonic attacks. Demons and negative entities need a crack; a crack in the Imaan to insinuate in.

I sighed and pushed myself up. My phone screen displayed twenty minutes past midnight. Shovelling the duvet away, I scurried to my bag in the almost present moonlight. Unzipping the front pocket, I fished out a packet of sleeping pills and tore one out of it. I hit my knee with the edge of the bed as I shambled back to the bed in the darkness.


Uh, here we go. I rolled my eyes to myself and sat down at my side of bed as Hanbal lit the side of the lamp.

"The hell you doing?"

"Can't you see, I am drinking water." I clenched my teeth because my subconsciousness wanted me to pour that on his face. How relieving it would be!

"Why were you roaming around the room?"

"To get to my saviour." I chugged the water down along with the tablet. Feels amazing already.

"What saviour?" He seemed alarmed.

"My sleeping pills." I slipped inside the dovet and pulled it up to my chest.

"You aren't taking these."

"It's already in my stomach. You can only punch it out of me now." I said, contently, "and you can't do that. You're bad."

"Who put these dramatic things in your head?"

"There are multiple reasons. However, you top the list." I saw his expressions morphe into agitating ones under the faint light of table lamp.

He breathed out through his nose. "I see. You enjoy ruining my sleep. I see that satisfactory look on your face. Why are you making yourself a jahanami by displeasing your husband."

"As if you are a certified jannati." I turned to the other side, my back facing him now and closed my eyes. My heart thudded erratically. I could feel the room eerily quiet.

His fingers curled around the elbow, and I was yanked back into the middle of the bed. A yelp escaped my mouth, but soon, it was muffled with his other hand.

"When I am not in the mood, keep your mouth shut." He whispered, his voice dissolving into the hollowness of the midnight. "Sometimes, my anger takes over me, and then I do things that are indecipherable."

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