chap 31

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• Y A W A R •

I need to talk to grandmother.

But after everyone has come to know that what I have been doing outside this threshold, I don't think anyone would like to see me again.

Not even grandmother; the woman who brought me up.

What a strange way, this world works on! I know i was supposed to follow the algorithm but who cares if I go off the track. No one appreciates me anyways. All I get is hate.

I breath and I even get hate for it.

I pulled into my late father's home and I was for a bit of moment surprised when I saw the gatekeeper open the gate for me. I thought they'd be instructed to not let me in.

Never mind. May be they don't hate me that much. May be this is just my brain making up things. Or may be I have officially gone mad by current events.

It was 10 AM.

I knew both uncles weren't home, Zain was at his hostel,Kanwal was at her in-laws and my way was clear. I needed to see my little fiancée but firstly there was even more important task I needed to accomplish.

Even tho my instincts told me to just climb the stairs yet I took left in the lobby, taking the direction totally opposite to what my heart desired and entered my grandmother's room.

I didn't even knock.

Yike, Another reason for them to hate me.

I slightly tapped on the now closed door to draw her attention to me. But she calmly laid in her bed.

My shoulders sagged and I plopped down in the sofa, nearest to her bed.

"Daadi?" I said again, this time a bit loud but no answer came.

I focused on the slight rise and fall of her abdomen and just stayed there for a bit of moment.

She was sleeping.

I laid my head on the arm of sofa and lifted my feet up to adjust myself in it. But by the end of half an hour, my neck muscles were sore. I decided to wait for a bit longer and didn't realise when my own eyelids got heavier enough for them to shut off.

I woke up to a voice calling my name in distance. As I opened my eyes, i realised there was no distance at all. My grandmother was bending over me and shaking my arm.

I got conscious of my way of sleeping and straightened myself up, an audible hiss escaping my lips as my neck and back muscles pained out of the strain they were in.

My eyes travelled to the wall clock and it said 10:57.

I embarrassingly looked at grandmother who was standing and giving me a hard stare.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, a strangeness in her tone which I couldn't ignore.

"I came to see you."

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