chap 41

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Ontario, Canada

● Y A W A R ●

After 3 weeks of consecutive snowing, today was a bit sunny. I was on my way back to home after having a stroll in the neighbourhood.

"Barkhurdar!" I heard a the same voice.

Not now please.

I fixed my face expressions and turned on my heels.

"Gee, aunty?" I grinned, even tho I was apathetic.

"Haven't seen you in a while. Were you at Pakistan?"


"Oh, I thought you had gone to Pakistan for your wedding."

I chuckled, "if it was something like that. I would have invited you over."

Mentally I rolled my eyes, why were desi aunties always after you just because you are unmarried.

She nodded, her eyes narrowing, "how about you come inside and have tea with me."

"I would love to but Aunty I have to leave for work in a jiffy."

"You go to your work. I will do mine." She shrugged me off and went inside like she wasn't talking to me a while ago.

Weird. No?

I went into my home and decided to change into my outfit of the day. I was tying my tie when my phone started to ring.

An unexpected call it was for the number was unknown and so the timing.


"Yawar, baita?" I heard an incoherent voice of a woman.

"Gee?" I was intrigued to know who it was. Even tho the voice seemed familiar but I couldn't pinpoint who it belonged to.

"I am Zeenat."

"Aunty Zeenat, Khairiyat?" I straightened when I heard terror in her voice.

"Baita, can you come? Your uncle isn't well."

"Are you at your home, aunty?"

"No. We just reached hospital."

She told me the name of hospital and I was off to reach the location.

What could possibly happen to Uncle Yahya? And was it something serious? Aunty sounded petrified. And even if uncle wasn't okay why would they call me? Of all the people they know why aunty chose to inform me? May be they have informed other people as well.

I reached at the particular location and bashed through the doors.

"Was someone with the name of Yahya Nadeem brought here a while ago?"

Receptionist nodded. "He is in ICU in surgical ward III."

"Thank you." I nodded and asked a random person in the hallway about the Surgical Ward III.

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