Chap 6

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had barely slept for a few hours when my phone rang. It was somewhat 2 AM. The aching of my head menifested itself as i rose to pick the mobile up.

This friggin head is still throbing, i thought to myself.

The caller ID said Safdar. I picked it up hurriedly wondering if everything was okay.

"Han. What happened?"

"Bhai Sister Hania-"

"Hania? What about her?" I pushed the blanket away and sat straight.

"Bhai there is a girl in the club drunk. I think its her."

"Are you even in your senses?" I hissed as i took in every piece of word he said. "She is at her apartment probably sleeping."

"Bhai she was drunk in the local club and now she has fainted. I am not sure what to do."

"It can't be her." I mumbled into the phone, more to myself.

Last thing i possibly remembered was grabbing my keys and jacket.

I don't know when was the last time i drove this fast.

In few minutes i was at the place Safdar had told me about. Neon lights had adorned the outside of wall, music bursting out.

I went in hesitantly. Wasn't sure if i had cone at the right place or not. I was telling myself that Hania can't come to a place like this without me until someone placed their hand on my shoulder.

I gasped when i saw Safdar. He usheref me to the place behind him where there was less crowd and then my eyes fell on the sight i never wanted to see.

Hania laid against the wall. Her long slender  leds lying straight on the floor. Her dress that i had condemned a while back, was perfectly fitted on her being.

Her face was tilted to a side, tears streaked.

I instantly lunged towards her, anger rising in me. I covered her with my jacket, handing back the coat of Safdar to him which he had wrapped around her shoulders.

Lifting her up in my arms, i went out to my car whilst people gawked at me as if i was kidnapping their child.

I sped off to her apartment after thanking Safdar wholeheartedly. When we had reached, i shook her shoulder from the front seat but she was sleeping dead.

Cussing, i got out and pulled her out from the backseat. During all this she had opened her eyes but her mind wasn't working enough to register that i was asking her to keep standing.

Her legs were bare but she stood immune to the chilly wind that was freezing me. May be because alcohol had negated the effect of cold or may be it had numbed her brain.

"Can you walk or should i take you?" I repeated the same sentence thrice after which she nodded crazily.

I didn't know what she meant but i grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the door of her apartment. I didn't like the way i was treating her but i was hurt too.

I took her inside. I could hear her sniffle all the way. "I feel sick." She said.

I took her to the washroom as she puked everything out. Stepping out i gave her some time to get back to herself.

I peered in when she wasn't stopping and saw her clutching her stomach  with one hand and the basin with the other.

I sauntered inside and grabbed her as she fell lifelessly in my arms. All energy had drained out of her.

I threw away her heels as i covered her with duvet after laying her down on her bed. I sat there for half an hour on her bedside and watched her sleep like babies under the effect of poison she had drunk.


I felt soft hands on my temple making me stir from my slumber. I didnt open my eyes but my senses started to work. I was just enjoying how soothingly these hands were rubbing my forehead.

My eyes shot open on the thought 'what if this is Hania'. But my unexplained happiness soon vanished when i saw my grandmother.

"Dadi Ami Ap?"

She mini slapped me but then smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Did you forget your grandmother?. You haven't visited me since the past week. I came to know you were not feeling well these days. What is this, you look so weak and these eye bags. Is everything okay Yawar?" She asked with a worried expression.

In return i just nodded, not knowing what should i say. Just to change the air. I asked " I am perfectly okay. You climbed up the stairs to come here. Are you alright? I mean do you need water?"

She smiled and patted my shoulder "I am here since the past hour and Umaima served me with water. Ok so as you look super weak, i have asked Umaima to cook Parathas and eggs for you".

I made a disgusting face on hearing Paratha and egg fo breakfast and said" Granny i only eat Pancakes and juice or Nutella on.." my sentence was cut off by grandmother "you have to finish it all otherwise i wont talk to you. Now shabash get up"

After heavy breakfast. I felt good. Shouldn't be lying but i felt energetic. After all i ate one and a half paratha with two cup of tea and three boiled eggs. Thats how my Granny fed me whenever she visits she always thinks that im starving to dead.

And well the other most embarrassing thing, she will keep scolding me in front of Umaima and some other servants.

I smiled at all the events happened today on breakfast.  And kept laying in my bed. I once again sent a message to her but no reply. Thats all i have been doing since the past week. Calling and texting her but she would never reply. I am not going at her thinking if the things mess up even more.

I had been so ragged for the past week because of her. So i preferred not meeting her. But i am planning to go to her tomorrow.

Safdar said that he had received from an unknown number telling him about Hania. It had shook me go the core. What if it was Kamil who was now free? What if he was keeping an eye on Hania? What if he does anything wrong to her?

Like he had taken my little cousin Riya. Just because of a fight at University, he was falling so low. Just because i had slapped him for attempting to molest a girl in deserted laboratory.

Kamil was truly a piece of shit nothing else.


Tell me how was it?
Sorry i let you all a little confused in this chapter but soon secrets will be revealed.

Okay Allah Hafiz!

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