chap 44

149 13 3

● H A M B A L ●

I drove home recklessly after a long day at work, blasting some Spanish music that was playing on the radio.

My phone buzzed in my pants pocket, and I checked in to see my mother calling. Who else could it be other than her?

"Gee Ammi?"

"Baita, are you coming home?"

"No. I am at the airport, leaving Pakistan for forever."

"Hambal baita." My mother helplessly said.

"I am on my way. You know that already. Then why do you call me unnecessarily, Ammi?"

"Your father wants to talk to you. So be home early."

"Okay. But if this is about Riya. I am not talking."

"It's her education, Hambal."

"If she is not agreeing on transfer. She can defer or not study at all for all I care."

"She is your wife."

"I know that, Ammi. Tell me something new."

"Between you and Riya, I feel so downhearted." She sighed. "Ghar ao. We will talk."


I reached home at 7 pm. Way late than my usual time and 3 hours late after I told my mother I was on my way. I really was, but after Ammi told me she and Papa wanted to talk. Hell, I hated talks. They knew.

Just to avoid that, I roamed around on the roads of Peshawar, blasted some more music, finished three cigarettes, and stared at Riya's pictures in my phone from our wedding.

Gee, this girl is my wife, and at my home.

After all that planning and struggle, she was mine.

What a sublime feeling!

Having pretty things was my passion since the day I started to comprehend myself, my feelings.

I wanted to take stairs and go to my bedroom, but Ammi sat in her bedroom, and the door was ajar. She could directly see me. Our eyes met as the front door clicked whilst i was slowly shutting it.

"Hambal." I heard my mother call me just the second I looked away from her.

"Later, ok. I am tired now."

"You made me and your father wait for three hours. Is that how you treat your parents."

"Not again, Ammi, please. i am tired." I huffed and treaded towards the stairs.

"Hambal, come inside." My father's voice had me halted. I just had lifted my foot to climb the first stair. My father was already so mad at me. He wasn't even talking to me properly. Keep in mind the fact that I am his only heir.

I turned on my heels, I couldn't make him any more angry.

"Assalam-o-Alaykum!" I made my presence known to him.

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