chap 51

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Miss Riya, your MRI results are clear."

"Alhamdulillah." I whispered in gratitude, whereas Hanbal let out the breath he was holding.

"Her pancreas is hale as well. There's nothing to worry about."

"She keeps passing out randomly, and you are asking me not to worry."

I glared Hanbal, but he didn't seem to care.

"Has she fainted like this before?" Doctor asked.

"Once, right after our after wedding ceremony that I believe her sugar level fell because of jittery feelings." Hanbal answered for me.

"I have fainted multiple times. Twice in university." I intruded.

Hanbal gaped at me like I had grown two heads. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I shrugged.

"How have your menstrual cycles been lately?"

I stayed quiet for a while, but then I meekly uttered, "they were regular a few months ago, but lately, I haven't been doing great."

"Have you been fine after your wedding?"

I shook my head.

"How long have you two been married for?"

"Next week, it will mark 4 months."

"Great!" Doctor smiled at me, her eyes wrinkling at the ends. "Miss Riya looks underweight for her age. She needs to eat more healthy food, and whatever stress she'd been taking, you need to relieve that somehow." She turned to Hanbal and said. "Also, I'd like you to take her to a fellow doctor." She fished out a card from one of the drawers below the table and slid it to Hanbal.

"Psychiatrist?" Hanbal looked baffled, "my wife isn't crazy!"

"We refer crazy patients to asylum, not to Psychiatrist." She replied in the same cold tone. "Your wife might be needing some serious help which you, perhaps, are failing to provide."

Hanbal opened his mouth to say something but refrained himself. For some reason, he looked tensed.

"What day she sits?" He sighed.

The doctor gave him a smug smile. "Every Tuesday, and luckily, that's today."

He nodded, taking a whole of my hand, and stood up, dragging the chair off.

I was startled. We didn't share a bond where he could randomly just hold my hand and roam around the place.

"Such a rude doctor." He grunted underneath his breath.

"Not everyone out there is your mother." I said coyly.

"I thought I'd have become used to of rude woman since I have been dealing with one since the past four months. My bad!"

I pulled my hand out of his hold.

He stopped a step ahead of me and looked back at me, his brows frowing.

"I feel drained."

"Do you feel the urge to eat something sweet?"

I nodded.

"How about we get that after we are done with the psychiatrist?"

"My brain needs glucose to answer the questions properly."

It had him contemplating.

A doctor in scrubs brushed past him, shoving him, and he stumbled to the right. My hand went unintentionally to his arm to hold him.

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