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"So Mani what's the deal with you and Frankie?" Lauren says as she lays on the bed playing with Juliet."

Normani looks over and her and rubs her belly. "What do you mean?"

"Like what's up do you guys like each other? Is it just friends? What? I mean I see you guys flirt here and there and to be honest you guys act like a couple and he pretty much lives her now. He's literally paying for his apartment for nothing because he spends all his time here."

"Is that a problem? Like do you not want him around? I can tell him to go Laur."

"Mani that's not what I'm saying at all. I love Frankie he's a really great guy. And he's cares so much for you and us as well. He literally treats us like family. What I'm asking is do you feel anything for him?"

"I don't know, it's really confusing I mean like I've only dated a guy or two back in high school but it wasn't like I wanted to date them I just wanted to fit in because everyone was dating you know? And then I met Dinah. If I'm being honest I didn't really look at anyone male or female before her. And not even during because I was so in love with her. I thought she was my one. Then when she left I started to see hazel but she was just a distraction you know? And It wasn't like I found her so attractive I just had to talk to her. It was more like she approached me, we talked she seemed cool. We met up a few more time then things just started. It was convenient. So I don't know If I'm considered a lesbian or not I mean I think I am or thought I was because I was with Dinah and we were together for so long. And then after her It's was the same as before I still don't look at anyone like that male or female. So I'm just so damn confused and I....I don't know."

"Mani you don't have to label yourself as anything. Maybe you're not a lesbian or bi or whatever. Maybe you just love the person. You love their insides not their outsides. Labels are stupid Mani They have labels for everything now a days. But that's something society pushes on people because society loves to categorize people. But the fact is you're just Normani and as Normani you're free to love who ever the fuck you want. So the real question is do you have feelings for him?"

"Yeah I do. But I mean how could I not. He treats me like I created the universe you know? He does whatever he can to please me. I mean he even started staying the night because my back pain got so bad that he would sleep on the floor and wake up everytime to Massage me or give get me water or just anything he can to make me feel better. Do you remember the time where it was like 3 in the morning and I was just crying and crying and called him names and told him to stay the fuck away from me because he was a damn monster. And he freaked out and ran to your room and asked you to try and calm me down because he couldn't and you came and cuddled with me and calmed me down and I was crying because in my dream he ate all my Oreos and pizza and he knew that I was going to eat them but he fucking ate my damn food. And once I stopped crying and told you guys that in my dream he ate my oreos and pizza. He felt so bad that he left. And then I started crying again because I thought he really left but when he came back he had Oreos and pizza bagels. He brought it up to the room and apologized for dream him eating my dream food. And that no pizza place was open so he got bagel bites instead. But me and you just started laughing so hard because he was in a tank top with boxers and and one sock with his slip on vans. And when we asked why he looked like that he just looked down at himself and said that he felt so bad that he didn't even realize he just put on his shoes grab his keys and wallet and left. He shrugged and then said that he'd do it again as long as it stopped me from crying because he only wants me happy. And that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done or said to me. How can I not catch feelings for him."

Lauren laughs at the remembrance of that night. What made it funnier was that by the time Frankie brought Normani the bagel bites and Oreos she didn't want them anymore she started craving cherry pie. Lauren chuckled and shook her head. Normani was always serious about her food but being pregnant made it like 100 times worse.

"So why don't you tell him? just talk to him. I know he has feelings for you."

"Because what if it's just the baby hormones causing me to have feelings? What if just because we're having a baby makes us feel like we should be together when we really shouldn't? Or what if later on I realize maybe I'm not into men and hurt him? What if.."

"Mani... Stop, you're overthinking it. Why don't you just ask him on a date first and see how it goes."

"Lauren I'm 9 months pregnant I can have the baby at any moment do you really think it's the best time to be thinking about a date?"

"Yes. Why not? What does being pregnant have to do with anything. It's not like he doesn't know you're pregnant Mani. I think you're just making excuses."

"Fine... I'll talk to him when he gets home."

Lauren smiles. "Good. And Mani you deserve to be happy. I know you never wanted kids and you didn't see your life going this way but, I do like this Mani. You're more affectionate and you just seem more lighter. I think this baby is going to be amazing for you Mani I really do."

Normani just stares at Lauren for a few seconds then sighs. "You're right I never wanted kids, but feeling this baby inside of me has just opened me up I don't know how to explain it but." Normani rubs her stomach. "She's changed me."

Lauren nods then looks at Juliet whose playing with her feet and giggling. She smiles brightly at her silly baby. "I know what you mean Mani."

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