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It's been two weeks and Normani has officially moved in. Which Camila loved because now Lauren didn't have to work as many hours or days.

Sinu and Clara came by to visit. So Normani and Camila thought it would be a good idea to go grocery shopping since the grandmothers can watch Amelia and Juliet.
On their way to the store Camila decides to call Lauren.

"Hallo! my beautiful wife!"

"Hey baby.. Mani and I are on our way to the store I wanted to see if there's anything in particular you wanted or needed."

"Mmmm.. Nope. I think I'm good love. Oh wait maybe some condoms. The doctor said 6 weeks right? It's been 7... So.. you know."

Camila smiles. "Hmmm.. that's true she did say 6 weeks. But we'll see. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't."

"As much as I want to pout and stuff I'm not. Because I don't want to make you feel guilty or anything. If you don't feel like yourself yet or ready then that's fine with me baby."

"Even if it means waiting months?"

"Babe I'll wait forever for you...  Shit I'd even masterbate for the rest of my life as long as it ensures that you're okay. I'd never want to make you feel like you have to do something for me when you don't feel up for it or not healed properly. You're health is number one to me babe."

"You are the sweetest how did I get so lucky huh?"

"Trust me babe. I'm the lucky one." Camila couldn't help her wide smile after hearing that.

"Babe, we just pulled into the parking spot. I'm gonna go now. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay my love. Make sure you guys get what you need for Sunday's bbq."

"Okay babe I'm pretty sure Mani has a list for that. You know how organized she is."

"That I do. Talk to you later beautiful."

"Bye hot stuff!" Camila chuckles then hangs up.
"So do we have everything?" Camila asks.

"Mmm... let me check." Normani scans the list. "Yeah looks like it, all we need now is just the bbq sauces and we should be good."

"Okay. Sounds good. Lead the way."

As Normani makes her way to the aisle with Camila following close behind she hears her name being called. Camila stops. And tells Normani she thinks she heard her name. Normani nods and said she did too. They both turn around and see a man jogging toward them.

"Normani... Hey.. I uhh. I uhh been trying to get a hold of you for awhile now." The guys says once he reaches them.

Normani stands there a little shocked to see him. Then became confused after hearing what he said.

"You've been trying to reach me? For what?" Normani says harder than she meant to.

"Well.. Uh.. I went and hung out at the bar a couple months back and seen Jerome and Hazel there. Jerome told me that you're pregnant and that you said it might be his." He looked over at Camila then back at Normani not knowing if he should say the rest. Normani sees this and nods telling him to continue. "Well.. I just want you to know that I was completely out my mind that night too. When I woke up on the floor in the living room I just thought I got super wasted and stripped or something dumb. I.. I didn't know we did that. I honestly don't remember much of that night but Jerome and hazel seem to have remembered everything and they told me about it. And I just.. Want you to know I'm sorry. I didn't know. Or atleast I don't remember doing that. And I also want you to know that if I am the dad I'd really like to help you and be there for you and the baby. I'm really sorry Normani."

Normani just stand there staring at him. She didn't know how to process what she's heard. Does she believe him. And that means hazel was lying when she told her she was too drunk that night at blacked out too. Was it a set up to get them drunk for some sick pleasure for Jerome and hazel. What the hell happened that night.

Camila looks at Normani then back the the guy. She can see that Normani in deep in thought. And the guy is waiting for Normani to say something even if it's to cuss him out.

"So... how long have you been trying to get a hold of Normani? Camila asks curiously.

"As soon as I found out. So two months. I got her number from hazel after two weeks of bugging her everyday. I don't know why she wasn't trying to give it to me. I tried calling it. But it was someone else's number. So, I'm not sure if she gave me a wrong number or what. Then I tried getting her address from her but Hazel said she's never been to Normani's place that they always went to hers. So that was a dead end. I tried looking up Normani on Facebook but I didn't know her last name so I just been skimming through profiles. But I haven't been able to find her."

"I changed my number the day after I went to tell Jerome I was pregnant. And I deleted my Facebook." Normani said.

He nodded. "Normani I understand if you hate me and I'll understand if you don't want me around at all. But I really am sorry. I wish I could remember. I wish I didn't get that messed up. Honestly I didn't think I was. When we all got to Jerome's place I was fine a little tipsy yeah. But not drunk like that. When you and Hazel went to the room I was still good. Then Jerome went and got us two beers and made a shot for us and then I don't remember anything. I guess I was drunker than I initially thought. Next thing I know I'm waking up on the living floor in my boxers with my clothes by me so that's why I just assumed I stripped out of my clothes or something. I didn't think anything else like that happened. Till they told me. But I don't think they thought I was going to care that you got pregnant or want anything to do with the baby. Because they had the owner ban me from the bar and they blocked me from calling them since I was bugging non-stop to try and contact you."

Normani looks at Camila and then to the ground. She then looks up at him and sighs.

"We can exchange numbers. And maybe meet up to have a one on one about all of this. Because there's obviously a lot to talk about."

He nods and they exchange numbers. He thanks her and tells her that he'll text her later on today. Normani nods and then Camila and her grab the bbq sauce and go pay. On the ride back neither of them say anything because Camila knows Normani needs time to process. Hell even she needs time to process because the story doesn't seem to add up and when she thinks about it, it sounds like both Normani and Frankie were someone how drugged. If they're the only two who can't seem to remember anything about the night.

(CAMREN) Falling For YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora