MKX Cassie Cage x Martial Artist Reader

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I have been fighting the Netherrealm Monsters when Shinnok opened and corrupted the Jinsei. I'm in Cassandra or Cassie Cage's team. We are already in the temple and we are fighting corrupted Liu Kang who is with another corrupted Kitana.

"Cassie, you go inside with (y/n), Jacqui Briggs said" we are gonna hold them off with Kung Jin and Takeda".
We both ran inside and saw Johnny, my teacher and Cassies father being hold up by Shinnok.
"Dad!", Cassie shouted but Dvorah stab her.

Cassie Cage POV
I didn't notice that there is another person in the room and I was about to get stab when another person kicked the ever loving shit out of Dvorah out of my way.
" Cassie, go take care of Shinnok I'll take care of Dvorah", (y/n) said
I nodded and started pounding and kicking Shinnok but he fought back and punched me and I flew back.
"Cassie!!!!", (y/n) yelled and she tried to assist me when she was sent outside by a fire burst.
" (y/n)", I scrambled back and I noticed I'm glowing green."Holy shit, it does run in the family"I said being amazed , and then Shinnok made another fire burst but I was able to blocked it. Thanks to this Glow.
Then I used a Glow Kick on him and he was knocked out and Raiden cleansed the Jinsei and killed Shinnok for good as Raiden is an Elder Thunder God. Then I remembered my father but he was freed by (y/n) and I saw that she healed my father but she was  hurt. I really need to tell her how I feel or it might be late, I think to myself. I approach them and I saw my father looking at me knowingly and then looked at the love of my life and he stand up.
"(Y/n) and Cassie, I need to go outside, I think I heard your mom" then he walked out. (Y/n) looked at him wonderingly but she just shrugged and started to heal herself and I sat down next to her and smiled. "Cassie, you knocked out Shinnok. That's some ki-" she was cut off when I kiss her passionately and started sucking on her bottom lip and hold her head to prevent her from getting away. After I'm done kissing her, she looks at me, surprise and blushing madly.
"(Y/n), you know, first of all, I didn't regret doing that as I have loved you the moment I saw you doing some Seido Training with dad and I can't get my eyes off at you. I keep my track on you and I just want to spend my whole life with you", I said non stop while she is looking at me. Im nervous as she didn't said any word just look through past me. I looked behind me and I saw Jacqui, Kung Jin, Takeda, mom and dad and other personnel looking at us. Mom and dad and my friends look at me, encouraging looks on their faces. Implying for me to continue while the troops picked up Dvorahs mangled body and the headless Shinnok as Raiden cut off his head.
" So here I am, confessing my whole love. We have been teammates since the Mortal Kombat began, and I can't bear that you are with someone else, will you be ahmmm, you know, ahhmm my girlfriend?" I asked, scratching the back of my head. Nervous and afraid that she will say no. It felt forever when she kissed me and hugged me.
"Cassandra Carlton Cage, you don't know how I've been wanting to hear this. YES YES YES", she said.
We kissed again and I feel like I'm in heaven. Everyone clapped and said awwww. Then we got out and greeted by a shining sun. Dark and cloudy atmosphere are gone. Only happiness and relief for all of us.

Thunder and lightning are heard and we all saw Thunder God Raiden descending and looking at all of us. And Raiden is looking at (y/n).
" So this is what you've chosen (y/n)",
Everyone looked at (y/n) as to wonder why Raiden is speaking to her when she answered.
"Yes father, I choose to spend my whole life loving, serving and protecting Cassandra Carlton Cage and I choose to protect t the Earthrealm."

Everyone was shocked to hear that I'm the Elder Gods daughter. Cassandra looks at me lovingly and hugged me. Father is happy of my decision as he knows that we can protect the Earthrealm from the Netherrealm.
"(Y/n), I love you so much, to the heavens and back," Cassie said then kissed me again.
She then said their fathers favorite catchphrase. "YOU GOT CAGED".
" I love you too also Cassie and thank you for caging my heart".


A/N: HI this is my first shot for Yuri one shot. I hope you like it guys. Leave some comments but no rudeness. So anyway. This is a Mortal Kombat story of Cassie Cage, you can check on her if you want. And also, I'm so sorry for the incorrect spellings and grammar. Check out my other book, Tsunade Senju x femreader. Anyways, that's all. I'm just new to writing but one thing is for sure. I'm a bookworm, yes dear reader, I'm a voracious reader. Have a great day.

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