Blossoming Friendship

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More and more, her parents would have to stop their child from hurting herself after waking up from one of her terrifying dreams. The two still held hope that one day she'd get past these horrid dreams. They know, though, that it was only wishful thinking. They know that one day they'll have no choice but to admit Y/N into a mental facility if this continued. She's becoming a danger to herself. When Y/N finally came back to her senses, she clung to to her mother's hand while lying flat on her back. Sobs break free from her lips as she stares at the white ceiling in her bedroom with tears in her eyes.

"Let's see if Mrs. Williams has an opening today," F/N suggests with a forced smile upon his lips as he gently pets his daughter's hair to calm her. The girl gives the man a weak nod, feeling that she needs to speak to the therapists about a stronger meditation. "Get ready, then, okay?"

Again, Y/N nods, and her parents leave the room with the door wide open. Slowly, the female sits up and curls her body so that her knees reach her chest. She wraps her arms around them tightly while staring at the opening that looks out into the hall. A shiver runs through her as her eyes begin to flick around the room, regardless of her already knowing where the beast is. Right now, the creature lies beneath her bed.

His hiding spot used to be in the closet until the day Y/N demanded that the door be taken off so that she'd be able to see inside. That leaves the Boogeyman with only one spot to hide in, and she was thankful for that, since she knows where he is. After taking a quick shower to wash off the sweat she was covered in, she dressed simply in a grey sweatshirt with a black and white striped turtleneck under it and jean shorts.

 After taking a quick shower to wash off the sweat she was covered in, she dressed simply in a grey sweatshirt with a black and white striped turtleneck under it and jean shorts

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

After sliding on black and white, striped, ankle socks and black sneakers, she goes outside with her parents and gets inside their black SUV. The drive to the therapist office seemed much too long for the girl. She kept fidgeting in her seat and tugged at the seatbelt nervously as she looked around the vehicle. She nearly jumps out of her skin upon seeing the monster in the very back of the car through the rearview mirror. She kept her eyes on him the entire ride until it was time to enter the building.

Y/N had to close her eyes when passing the janitor, who was mopping the floor, on their way to the elevator. She wasn't any better in the tight space, but she kept her head low and held onto her parents' hands tightly to assure her that this is real, not a dream. The monster can't do anything to her here... At least, that's what she believes. The Boogeyman hasn't tried harming her in the real world yet, especially in broad daylight, when he tends to keep his distance. Soon enough, the three enter the waiting room, where Y/N sits next to the familiar face of Keith Briggs, who has become a regular at the office as well. The boy's eyes would flick to the girl's form every now and again, noticing how her frightened eyes would dart around the room like she was prey being hunted by a skillful predator. As Y/N searched for where the monster had hid, her foot tapped rapidly against the floor. The girl jumps upon hearing two phones ring simultaneously, but keeps herself from screaming from the noise.

"Oh, sorry, sweetie." F/N apologizes to the girl while answering his phone. M/N answers the call she received as well before heading out into the hall with Y/N's father. The teen lightly rubs her arms, wincing upon touching the scratches she left on the skin this morning. It wasn't long before her parents came back in with worried faces. Y/N tilts her head in confusion at the look, and they explain with hesitance clear in their voice.

"Y/N, I know we don't usually do this, and you know that we wouldn't unless it was a real emergency, but your mother and I just got called into work. I'm afraid we have to leave."

Y/N's eyes widen in horror. Her parents work at the same place, so it wasn't surprising that the two were both called to leave, but they couldn't possibly leave her like this.

"B-B-But-" her hand is grabbed by her father's, and he gives the girl a comforting smile.

"Hey, it'll be okay. We'll try to make it quick. Incase we can't make it back before your session is over," F/N reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. He takes out some cash and hands it to the girl, who accepts it shakily. "I want you to take the bus home. There's a bus stop a few blocks away from here. It goes right by the house."


"Sweetie, I promise it'll be okay," M/N assures softly while rubbing the girl's shoulder to comfort her. "Everything will be fine. We promise. We'll see you later, sweetheart."

The woman places a gentle kiss upon the female's forehead before the two turn to leave. Whimpering, Y/N brings her knees up to her chest and hugs them tightly. Keith clears his throat and takes a deep breath to build confidence before turning to the girl beside him.

"H-H-Hey," he says in a friendly way. Y/N turns to him with eyes wide in disbelief. She gives a quick look around to make sure it was her that the boy was referring to and sure enough it had to be her. People rarely ever speak to her, especially strangers. Most would avoid her due to her... odd behavioral habits. She wasn't quite sure how to react.

"H-Hi," she mutters softly. The two then fall into a small, awkward silence, looking away from each other.

"S-So, why are you here?" Keith asks in a soft voice. It somehow puts her at ease, making it comfortable to talk to him.

"D-Dr-Dreams. R-Really b-bad dreams." Y/N shudders upon recalling the monster's expression from last night's dream. "W-What about you?"

"W-Well, um... I- I hear these v-voices t-talking to me sometimes. Mrs. Williams s-said I s-should try m-making some friends, so..."

"I-I've n-never had a friend before," she mentions, unsure how to even be a friend. The boy chuckles lightly, finding her meekness kinda cute. Normally, the sound of a chuckle would frighten her, but Keith's was okay. The sound actually put her at ease.

"M-Me neither. W-Would you mind?"

"W-We can be f-friends." Y/N feels a twitch in the corners of her lips, but the faint smile disappears quickly. Smiling is a hard thing to do after being traumatized nightly by a terrifying creature for many years.

"Y/N L/N."

Y/N's head shoots up upon hearing her name being called and shakily stands from her seat. It's time for another therapy session.

However, Y/N hadn't noticed that the monster didn't followed her into the room.

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