Chapter 20- Let Me Out

Start from the beginning

I walked with him over to one of the couches and sat down next to Beth. She was just as happy to see me as I was to see her.

"I can't wait to tell the others! They're gonna be so excited to see you two." They looked at me with confusion in their eyes. "You saw them?" Beth asks, I nod.

"We all kind of accidentally found each other. It turns out that the academy put us all on one team. They are back at the hotel, you should come back with me it'll be a great reunion. Well maybe not for Kyle, that boy is messed up. But I think we all are after the academy."

"We can't go back with you." Grayson shakes his head, I look at him and chuckle. "Well of course you can-"

"No we can't. We are on the run from the academy, if they find the two of us we're as good as dead. So if you're all here that means we have to go now." He grabbed Beth's hand to get up but I stopped them. "Wait why? I'm so confused."

"Do the Royals know you found each other or where you're staying?" Beth asks apprehensively, I shake my head. "We'll explain there, but we have to go right now."

"I got this. Grab my hands." They take my hands and I teleport us back to the hotel. "Woah! How did you do that?"

"It's one of my abilities. Apparently I can do more than just heal." I replied with a smile as we approached the door of our hotel room. I put my hand on the knob and slowly twisted it open. Panic struck my body when I saw blood all over the floor and walls. 

"Wren? Nick?" I call out. We heard crying coming from the bathroom. The three of us rushed immediately over to see Wren with blood all over her face cradling Nick in her arms and crying.

"Is he-"

"No...I healed him." We looked at her confused. She sighed and started to explain. "Nick went to run after you but he was attacked by our target. Kyle killed him. I don't know if he's going to wake up, he was hurt pretty badly."

"He's going to wake up Wren. He's a fighter." Grayson said, putting a hand on her shoulder. She couldn't even look at him, she just shook her head. "Even if he is okay, I have to stay away. I promised myself I would never do what I just did ever again yet I did it. I can't be near him. It's dangerous."

"What are you talking about Wren? You healed him-"

"I bit him! I had to suck the venom out of his blood after he was bitten by that monster. After what I went through back at the academy I promised myself I'd never do it again. You need to lock me up. 48 hours in the panic room, I'll explain everything after that just please. You have to do it." I was so confused. My first thought was that she must be losing her mind. We're in a hotel room, there are no panic rooms here.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nick used his powers and turned this place into a safe house. He made it invisible to humans. On the outside it looks like a hotel, but from the inside it's a house. The panic room is in the basement. You need to lock me up. NOW." Her voice went deeper and the veins in her eyes started popping out. That's when I knew we had to get her down there fast before this monster took over her.

Gray picked hoisted her up into his arms and sped her downstairs. We wrapped her arms, feet, and torso in shackles. That's when the demon in her started to wake up, and more importantly when her screams started.

"Let me go guys. I never did anything wrong! I'm a good person I promise just let me go. Let me go. LeT mE gO. LET ME GO!" The minute her voice changed, I darted out of the room and locked the door shut.

By the time we reached upstairs, Nick was awake and questioning the screams of Wren. "What the hell is that noise?"

"That's your girlfriend." Kyle said with an annoyed tone in his voice. Nick just looked at us all in confusion. "Well where is she?"

"She's locked up for the next 2 days. It'll be her detox after what went on here." Kyle replied with a smirk, plopping onto the bed next to him. "Does someone want to explain what exactly happened here?" Beth said angrily, Kyle laughs.

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" Kyle looked at Nick. Nick shook his head and sighed. "Well I guess I'll tell you. Our target found us before we could find him. Nick and I tried to fight it off but he had already bitten Nick. Wren ripped its throat out and I staked it. In order to save Nick, Wren had to bite him and suck out the venom. However, she got carried away and I had to pull her off. She turned back to normal when you guys showed up-"

"LET ME OUT!" Kyle was interrupted by the screams of Wren. We were all the way on the third floor and yet her screams could still be heard. "We have to help her-"

"That's not her Nick."

"She's suffering!"

"Oh yeah and who's fault is that? That would be yours lover boy. You're the one who lured it here. And you're the reason she's fighting the urge to rip out your throat. How could you be so stupid?!" Kyle shouts, pushing Nick.


"Yeah love her enough to make her like this. Can't you see that you're toxic for her?!" Nick punched Kyle in the jaw, causing a fight to break out. As punches were being thrown, Gray and I stepped in to stop the fight.

"Guys..." Beth muttered.

"I'm going to kill you Lawrence!" Nick shouted, lunging further at Kyle. Kyle just laughed and flipped him off as I pulled Kyle away. "Guys!"

Gray threw Nick up against the wall and held him up by the neck. "You need to stop this-"

"GUYS!" Beth shouts angrily, we all turn to her. "Beth sweetie we are in the middle of something right now-"

"Shut the fuck up Kyle. Whatever this is it needs to stop now. Check your phones, we got a new alert. And you're not gonna be happy with the target." Beth snaps. I couldn't help but smirk. I love this side of Beth. However she was right at the fact that we wouldn't like what we saw.

New Target: Lauren Underwood


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