thirty fifth

144 8 1

"Well look at that, they're not fighting." Ashton says when we walk to our lunch table with our hands together.

"Yeah." I say and sit down in between Luke and Michael. Luke sits in between Ally and I.

"What even happened? Michael asks and I look up at Harry, who's sitting across the table from me, and he's looking right at me.

"Nothing." I say.

"Okay, sure." Michael says sarcastically.

"Anyways, what's new?" I ask no one in particular.

"I got this big ass sweater and it's fucking comfy." Ashton says.

"Don't curse." Sophia says and he rolls his eyes.


"Sorry." He says quietly.

"Movie tonight." Michael whispers to me.

"Yeah, who's house." I say.

"Mine." Michael says.

"Did you choose a movie?" I ask.


"Well what is it?" I ask.

"It's a surprise. It wasn't my first choice, It seems kind of stupid since I've seen the first movie." He says.

"Paranormal Activity? Scary Movie? Transformers?" I ask.

"Nope." He laughs." You'll never guess it."

"Well then I'll just stop guessing." I say.

"Don't you hate Transformers?" Ashton tells me.

"Sort of. I've seen all of them too many times." I say.

"Right, because on our first date or something you wouldn't let me watch it." He says and I look over to Sophia who's completely shocked he brought that up.

"Yeah." I say quietly and look down at my can of soda.

"I'll be right back." Sophia says and starts walking away from the table.

"What? Did I do something?" Ashton asks me as we both stand up to follow her. I pull him to the side away from the table and away from Sophia.

"You don't just bring up your past relationships." I say.

"Why not? It's not a big deal." He says.

"Yes it is. She's intimidated and you're not helping by rolling your eyes at her." I say.

"She's fucking annoying." He sighs and I can't help but chuckle.

"I don't care. Do something special for your 1-month or something. She said it's coming up." I say.

"Yeah." He says and runs his hand through his messy hair.

"And don't tell her that she's annoying." I say.

"You want me to continue going out with her?" He says and crosses his arms.

"You want to break up with her?" I ask quietly and he nods." If you want to then do it now rather than later."

"Like right now?"

"No!" I say and groan which makes him laugh." You idiot. Invite her over later today and tell her then."


"I have to go after her." I say and gently shove his shoulder.

"Hey, babe." I say when I get to Sophia who has her head in her hands. I sit down next to her.

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