twenty ninth

188 8 0

"That was a long prayer," she says and I look down at my hands," very loud."

"Oh my god," I say and cover my face.

"I didn't know you were religious," Ashton tells Luke. He seems genuinely confused. He's so clueless. But Sophia on the other hand, has a huge grin on her face.

"Oh don't worry," she says and winks at me," we won't tell anyone how religious you two are."

"Yeah," Luke says and sits down," wouldn't want anyone to know about that.

"Uh.." I say and Luke winks at me.

"Is everyone hungry?" She asks," the Chinese already got here."

I'm afraid Luke will make a remark like ,'I already ate,' or something but he doesn't, he just grins like an idiot.

"Keep it to yourself," I whisper in his ear.

"How did you..?" He asks and turns so our faces are centimeters apart.

"Keep it to yourself," I repeat and kiss him quickly before standing up," I am starving, so let's eat."

"Sure you are," she says and I follow them out the door with Luke right behind me.

We sit on the her patio outside, I'm sitting next to Luke, me at one head of the table and him next to me.

"So how was New York?" Ashton asks me.

"New York," I say," it was, uh, an eye opener."

"That's great," Sophia smiles.

"Did you talk to him?" He asks me and I put down my carton of noodles.

"By him, do you mean Danny?"


"Yes, I did talk to him,"

"What happened?" Luke asks me and puts his hand over mine. I see Ashton's focus shifting to our hands.


"Who's Danny?"

"My gay ex," I say," or well, he used to be gay."

"What are you talking about, he said he is gay," Luke says," that he was using Molly."

"Yeah," I say," he did use her, just to see if he was still gay, which he's not."

"And you stayed with him?" He says.

"Luke," I say," when I found out I packed and started driving to North Carolina."

"But you knew,"

"So how was North Carolina?" Sophia asks, stopping Luke from more questions.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" He asks, ignoring her.

"Because it's not a big deal," I say," why does it matter if he's gay or not?"

"Because obviously he still likes you," he says quietly," he loves you."

"Well that doesn't matter,"

"I know he told you," he says and looks down to his lap.

"And I told him to go to hell," I say, leaving out the part where I told Danny I'm in love with Luke.

"Babe, will you help me get some more ice cubes?" Sophia asks and confused Ashton stands up with her and they go inside.

"I'm sorry," I tell him and put my hand in his," I should have told you but I didn't want you to be worried."

"Why would I be worried?"

"People never trust me," I say," Ashton didn't trust me when I told him I wasn't fooling around with you, my parents didn't believe me about the picture, I just want you to trust me."

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