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"Morning," I say when I walk downstairs to my family eating breakfast. It's finally Friday and it's Ashton and my one month anniversary.

I got Ashton a few small gifts for our anniversary.

"You're not staying for breakfast?" My dad asks.

"When have I ever ate breakfast at home?" I say and grab my backpack.

"Third grade," my mom says," you wouldn't leave without breakfast."

"Well bye," I say and leave for school.

I've avoided Luke this whole week and I still haven't told Ashton about our kiss. I mean it's just a kiss so I don't think he'll freak out or anything but if Ashton kissed someone I'd be pretty upset but I'm hoping I can explain it to Ashton.

I pull up into my usual parking spot and walk towards where Ashton and I always meet up before school. He's standing there on his phone. The guilt starts flushing back as it does every day.

"Hey," he says and hugs me when I come up to him.

"Hi," I say.

"Are you okay?" He asks and pulls away.

"Not really," I reply honestly," I need to tell you something."


"The day that I hung out with Luke," I start," Monday."


"I accidentally did something," I say.


"I kissed him," I tell Ashton and he drops his gaze with me," I'm sorry. I didn't mean to and we were watching a movie and the second I kissed him I instantly regretted it."

"You don't need to make excuses," he says.

"Ashton," I say and grab his hand in mine," I'm so sorry. It's my fault and it's not Luke's. I was upset and he comforted me and I don't know."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" He asks," this happened Monday so why would you wait until the end of this week?"

"I couldn't," I say," I couldn't tell you because I knew you'd hate me and then you'd never want to talk to me and I just wanted to be with you until I had enough courage."

"I don't hate you," he says.


"Because," he says," I like you a lot and I don't think a stupid kiss that you regret should get in the way."

"Don't get mad at Luke," I tell him," it was my fault."

"I'm not mad at either of you," he says," I mean I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea of his lips on your lips but I can look past it because I care about you a lot and he's my mate."

"Thank you," I say and wrap my arms around his neck,"oh and I have something for you."


"Me first," I say and we walk back to my car, hand in hand.

"Close your eyes," I tell him while I pull out his bag of gifts," okay open."

"Wow," he says and I hand him the bag," Giants and Nirvana."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it," he says and hugs me," your gift is inside school."

We walk to my locker which is decorated with blue gift bows.

"Oh my gosh," I say when we approach the locker," I love it. Blue's my favorite color."

"Open it," he says when I hug him. I let go of him and unlock my locker.

lipring≫l.hजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें