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"Jess!" My mom says when she gets out of customs.

"How was the trip?" I ask and hug her.

"It was amazing," she says.

"Where's dad and Jonah?" I ask when she let's go of me.

"In the bathroom," she says.


"How was your two weeks of freedom?" She asks while we walk to the Starbucks inside the airport.

"Awesome," I say leaving out every bad thing that happened," I want to hear all about your trip over lunch at Lemonade."

"Yes!" She says," there they are."

"Hey Jessie," my dad says when he gets to our table in Starbucks.

"Hi," I say and hug him.

"I need to sign your cast," I tell my brother when I hug him.

"It was so cool when I broke it," he starts and tells me the story of how he broke his wrist while attempting to do a backflip off of his bed.

"Congrats," I say as we walk to my car with their suitcases.

'I'm bored,' Luke texts me.

'Make friends,' I reply.

'Can we hang out later today?' He asks.



'My moms making me make dinner :(,' I reply.

'You should make me dinner :),' he replies.

'One more month,' I text.

'Actually there's 17 more days,' he replies,' I counted.'

'Only two and a half weeks,' I text.

'Only,' he says.

'Did you want your shirt back?' I ask.

'No,' he texts back,' you keep it.'

'Good because I slept in it last night,' I say.

'I slept naked ;),' he replies.

'Aren't you in class right now?'


'You'll get in trouble,' I reply.

'No I won't,'

"So what's new with you?" My dad asks me.

"Nothing really important," I lie," so how was the trip?"

'Talk to meee,' Luke texts me.

'Leave me alone stupid,' I text back.

"Is that Ashton?" My mom asks," how is he?"

"Ashton and I broke up," I say.


"The usual," I say.

"Why did you and Scott break up?" She asks.

"You never told us," my dad says.

"It's a long story," I say," I would rather not bring up the past."

"What about Ashton?"

"We weren't agreeing on some things," I say. It's not a lie since Ashton kept thinking I slept with Luke when I didn't and then he slept with Ally. ,

"Well we're going to a gala later tonight would you like to come?"

"I don't have to make dinner?" I ask and finish up my mac and cheese.

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